
Top 16 Cancer Causing Foods You Need To Avoid

Top 16 Cancer Causing Foods You Need To Avoid

Cancer is a dangerous disease which might even cause death. Around 2 million people are diagnosed with some kind of cancer every year. There are several contributing factors that lead to cancer. For instance, exposure to the harmful UV rays leads to skin cancer and too much of smoking causes lung cancer. However, you might probably not know that the foods you eat could contain carcinogens. So, it’s time to check out what is in your foods that could lead to cancer. Regular consumption of such foods increases the risks of developing cancer at an early age.

Here Is The List Of Top 16 Cancer-causing Foods You Need To Avoid Right Away:

Processed Meat:

You might love having a delectable sandwich, hamburger or cured meat along with a glass of wine. If you are having it regularly, then you are highly at a risk of developing cancer. Processed meat contains excessive chemicals, preservatives, and salt and can harm our health. However, they contain lots of carcinogens that are mostly found in cigarette smoke.

Processed Meat

Potato Chips:

Potato chips taste delicious. However, such addicting snacks are harmful to the health. They contain high doses of trans fats, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, excessive salts that lead to an increased blood pressure. They also contain acrylamide which is a kind of carcinogen found in the cigarettes. So, better ignore such foods and prefer air-popped popcorn, pretzels etc.

Potato Chips


Processed White Flour:

White flour undergoes a chemical bleaching process with the chlorine gas and it kills all its healthy nutrients. In fact, chlorine gas is harmful to inhale, so why include it in the food? Also, processed white flour has a higher glycemic index which increases insulin levels and might lead to diabetes in the near future, if included in the diet regularly. Also, cancer-causing tremors feed on the sugar present in the blood.

Processed White Flour

Microwave Popcorn:

It is easy to pop popcorn in a microwave. But in the long run, it leads to pancreatic, liver, and testicular cancer. The microwave popcorn packets contain harmful chemicals for creating a buttery flavor and it can cause dangerous effects on health.

Microwave Popcorn

Hydrogenated Oils:

Hydrogenated oils contain harmful chemicals and are used to prepare deep fried foods. These oils increase the lifespan of foods. However, they are linked to serious diseases such as cancer, heart diseases etc.

Hydrogenated Oils

Artificial Sweeteners:

Artificial sweeteners contain aspartame which causes cataracts and convulsions. They even contain DKP which might lead to cancer.

Artificial Sweeteners


Alcohol consumption is the second most leading factor of cancer, after smoking or tobacco consumption. However, lower consumption of alcohol is good for health but when taken in excessive doses, it leads to heart failure, mouth, colon, breast, rectum cancer and might even lead to sudden death.

Avoid Alcohol

Soft Drinks:

They contain zero nutritional values and have ingredients that can harm enamel. Few studies have indicated that drinking more than two sodas a week could increase the risks of pancreatic cancer.

Soft Drinks

Refined Sugars:

Cancer causing cells love refined sugars and increase the blood sugar levels leading to cancer growth. High-fructose sugar syrup is the culprit and hence, people addicted to sugary foods are at a high risk of developing cancer.

Refined Sugars

Smoked And Pickled Foods:

Salty, pickled, and smoked foods contain a preservative nitrate which on consumption reacts and form N-nitroso composites that lead to an increase in the risks of developing cancers. Stomach and colorectal cancer could be due to salty, pickled, or smoked foods. Smoked foods absorb smoke that contains a tar found in cigarettes. So, better avoid such foods.

Smoked And Pickled Foods

Farmed Salmon:

Salmon is healthy, but farm raised salmon fish is contaminated with harmful pesticides, chemicals and carcinogens found in certain materials such as asbestos.


Red Meat:

Red meat is, in fact, good when taken in small quantities. However, when added daily in your hamburgers, red meat increases the risks of colon cancer.

Red Meat

Diet Foods:

You often prefer to have low-fat foods or anything labeled as “low in fat”. However, such foods contain artificial sweetener aspartame which is harmful to the health. Also, diet foods are processed and contain additives such as the ones that are found in cocaine. It keeps you addicted to such foods and increases the risks of cancer.

Diet Foods

Genetically Modified Organisms:

Often known as GMO’s, they have been a part of the majority of our foods. The GMO’s and chemicals have increased the growth of carcinogens.

Genetically Modified Organisms

Nonorganic Foods:

Any fruits or veggies that are non-organic farm produce contain lots of toxins as the farmers use weed killers and pesticides. So, wash such foods to be safe.

Nonorganic Foods

Canned Foods:

Canned foods contain certain chemicals that damage the hormonal activities in our body. The chemicals in canned foods are linked to cancer growth, heart disorders etc. So, prefer having fresh foods.

Canned Foods