


Home Remedies For Bed Wetting

One of the toughest hurdles of parenthood can be awaking in the middle of the night and changing their child’s nappy or bed sheet due to bed-wetting. Bed-wetting or nocturnal enuresis is very common yet annoying problem in which a child urinates during sleeping. More or less every child does this at some point of their infancy or at younger age but if this becomes a habit and the child continue this to even after age of 7 then you must take the issue seriously. The symptoms of bed wetting can be found as excess thirst, weariness, rashes on the pubic area, sleeping disorders etc.If we go to the root of the problem it has been found that smaller bladder, fluctuation of the hormone levels, too much stress, problems regarding sleeping, structural problem in the urinary or neurological organism etc. can lead to the occurrence of bed-wetting problem. However, bed-wetting is not only a frustrating problem as it disrupts night’s sound sleep but this also lands the child into embarrassment.

Home Remedies For Bed Wetting

However the good news is that you can drive away this embarrassing habit of your child easily with some simple home remedies available in your kitchen. These remedies are superb effective and 100% safer to your child’s health. Just check them below:

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry Juice Reduce Bed Wetting

Cranberry juice is one of the widely used home remedies to cure bed wetting of children. Though apparently children suffering from bed wetting problem must skip any drink before going to bed but cranberry juice can strongly be recommended to them before sleeping. The goodness of cranberry juice is extremely helpful for U.T.I, kidney or bladder infection and so also it is useful for bed wetting. It provides the strength and takes the charge of the muscles and thus prevent bed wetting. Make your child drink at least 8 ounce of cranberry juice each night before sleeping, for couple of months to get the desired result.


Cinnamon Reduce Bed Wetting

Cinnamon a common cooking spice can be extremely helpful to alleviate your child from the problem of bed-wetting. You can simply give your child cinnamon bark to chew one time a day regularly and see the improvement. Another way is to blend cinnamon powder and sugar properly and spread it over a butter toast and give this to your child to consume on breakfast.


Jaggery Reduce Bed Wetting

Jaggery can be one of the most effective remedies for bed wetting. As jaggery is known for generating warm effect on the body, so it can be immensely helpful in treating bed wetting problems in children. You can give your child a tiny piece of jaggery and make him/her consume it with a cup of hot milk. Next, an hour later, mix roasted sesame seeds and celery seeds in same proportion and add a bit of rock salt with the mixture. Now give this remedy to your child to intake it. If you follow this remedy on a daily basis you will surely notice a difference.


Banana can be a delicious remedy for your child to get rid of this frustrating problem. As banana works to fasten the stomach so in this way it can cure the problem of bed wetting in a simple way. Make your child to intake at least two ripe bananas on a daily basis. One banana can be given in the morning while the other one can be given before going to sleep. But make sure not make the small child eat excess ripen banana, give them ripe but solid bananas to eliminate bed-wetting problem.

Banana Reduce Bed Wetting

Walnuts And Raisins

Another crispy and yummy way to control the bed wetting habit of your child can be, giving him/her 1 teaspoon of raisins and 2 teaspoon of walnuts before going to bed every night. This will eliminate the problem within a few days.

Walnuts Reduce Bed Wetting