Seven Best Home Remedies For Conjunctivitis



Home Remedies For Conjunctivitis

also known as pinkeye may be caused due to bacteria, Viruses, certain allergies like dust, pollen or irritants such as shampoo, dirt etc. Pinkeye is contagious depending upon the bacteria. The symptoms may differ depending upon the cause of inflammation.Symptoms are redness in the inner eyelid, constant tears, and formation of thick green crust in the eyelashes after sleep, itchy eyes, burning sensation, blurred vision. It is not a serious health risk if diagnosed promptly. However pinkeye in infants should be reported to the doctor immediately. Here are some of the home remedies which can prove beneficial for treatment of pinkeye.

Best Home Remedies For Conjunctivitis

Local Honey And Milk

Honey And Milk For Conjunctivitis

Take Honey and warm milk in equal mixture and wash your eyes using a cotton ball. You can also use it as a compress. Soak the cotton ball in the mixture and use it as a compress for your eyes. Honey has got anti inflammatory properties which Acts to reduce certain signs of inflammation such as swelling, tenderness, pain i.e., preventing or reducing inflammation.

Antioxidant properties make healing faster. Antiseptic and antibacterial and antiviral properties inhibit the growth and development of microorganisms, bacteria and viruses. Honey offers a non-toxic alternative to powerful and sometimes-damaging prescription medicines. Being Analgesic it relieves pain.  Before applying to the eyes, it is important to spot test it, to find if you are allergic to it. Local honey is preferred for treating allergies as it contains small amount of specific pollens an individual may be allergic to.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera Gel For Conjunctivitis

Take a leaf of aloe vera, squeeze it. The gel you get from the leaf can be used as a compress and also as an eye wash. For compress soak the cotton ball in the gel and keep it on the eye and for eyewash mix half tablespoon gel with cold water. It has got anti inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral and analgesic properties which prove helpful in treating conjunctivitis. If you are allergic to garlic, onion or other types of plants in the alliaceae family, then please don’t apply aloe vera gel.

Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice For Conjunctivitis

Just apply lemon juice on the affected area with clean fingers. It may give a stinging sensation for five minutes, but it helps to ooze out the pus. It has also got anti inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral properties which prove helpful in treating conjunctivitis.


Turmeric For Conjunctivitis

In a cup of boiled water add two tablespoon of turmeric powder. Soak it in a cotton pad and use it as a hot compress. It has also got anti inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral properties which proves helpful in treating conjunctivitis.


Take a garlic clove, prick it to remove the juice, rub this garlic clove to the bottom lid. Initially it will give a burning sensation and teary eyes but after a few seconds you will feel better. This treatment is beneficial for pinkeye as it has got anti inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral properties, but if you are allergic to aloe vera gel, onion or other types of plants in the alliaceae family, then please don’t apply garlic.

Garlic To Reduce Conjunctivitis


Before going to bed wipe neem oil around the eye and eyelid. It has also got anti inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral properties which prove helpful in treating conjunctivitis. Moreover, Neem offers a non-toxic alternative to powerful and sometimes-damaging prescription medicines. Spot test neem to see if you are allergic to it.

Neem To Reduce Conjunctivitis

Holy Basil (Tulsi)

Soak tulsi leaves in water. Use this water as eyewash or compress for pinkeye. Intake of holy basil juice is beneficial for good vision. It has also got anti inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral properties which prove helpful in treating conjunctivitis. Holy basil also is reported to have an anti fertility effect and should be avoided if a woman is trying to get pregnant and also the combination of basil and milk should be avoided.

Holy Basil To Reduce Conjunctivitis