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Everyone has ear wax. It is produced by the glands situated in the ear canal. The ear wax protects the ears by trapping dust and other small particles and prevents them from reaching the eardrums thus preventing potential damage and infection. Generally the ear wax dries out and falls out of the ears together with any debris and dust particles. But sometimes the wax gets impacted into the ear canal and causes blockages.
The most common causes for blockages are the use of bobby pins, Q-tips and rolled corners of napkins to remove ear wax. These harmful methods only help to remove the superficial wax while pushing the rest of the wax, deeper inside the ear canal.
People who use hearing aid and earplugs are also more prone to ear wax blockage. Accumulation of ear wax can cause dizziness, ear pain, decreased hearing, itching in the ear canal, drainage from the ear canal, ringing in the ears and a sensation of blockage in the ears.
Various Home Remedies To Remove Ear Wax
Mustard Oil
Warm some mustard oil just a little above body temperature. Lie on your side and with the help of a dropper, drop a few drops of the warm oil into the ear.Keep lying for five minutes the turn on your side and repeat the procedure with the other ear. Keep doing this for two or three days regularly. Mustard oil will soften the impacted wax and will dissolve it completely.
Paraffin Oil
The ear canal is a self cleansing organ but sometimes the accumulation of too much ear wax causes great discomfort and pain. Warm some paraffin oil and with the help of a dropper drop a few drops of it into the impacted ear. Keep lying still for seven minutes after which turn your head and empty the oil into a sink.
Do this, for two days then take some water and flush your ear with it. All the un-dissolved wax will instantly come out of the ear and bring relief in the symptoms.
Apple Cider Vinegar
You should never use a cotton bud, hair pin or your finger to remove the wax from your ears. They only help to compact the wax and harden it further. Warm some water and add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to it.Rinse your ears with this solution once daily for three days. All the hardened and impacted wax will loosen up and will be flushed out of the ears. Apple cider vinegar will also restore the natural pH inside the ear canal.
Olive Oil
Put a few drops of warm virgin olive oil into one ear and after five minutes tilt your head to the opposite side to let the oil drain out on a soft towel. Repeat with the other ear. Use clean water to flush away the wax deposits and wipe the outside of the ear well with a soft towel.
White Vinegar
Mix some warm water and white vinegar in equal quantities and use this solution to flush out the ear wax. The buildup of wax will dissolve and will be easily flushed out of the ears.