5 Home Remedies For Wart Removal


Home Remedies For Wart Removal

Warts are caused by viruses that enter our bodythrough a crack present in our skin. They are caused by the same herpes simplex virus that is responsible for genital herpes and cold sores.Warts are contagious in nature and tend to spread from one person to the other. Therefore, it is very important to avoid scratching, picking or irritating them. Though in most cases, these warts vanish on their own, but there are various natural and home remedies that can be used to fasten their demise. Here are some of the most effective home remedies for wart removal.

Home Remedies For Warts

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera For Warts Removal

According to the researches conducted over several years, it was discovered that aloe vera is quite useful for elimination of warts from the surface of the skin. Simply soak a small piece of cotton in aloe vera gel and then place it on the wart.

Use a tape and attach the aloe vera soaked cotton ball on the wart and leave it on for at least a few minutes. Repeat the same procedure after every few hours and you will notice your wart falling off within a few days or weeks.


Garlic For Warts Removal

Garlic comprises of potent anti-viral properties that can be quite effective for wart removal. To use this remedy, prepare a poultice containing crushed raw garlic and apply it over the wart. Cover the area with a bandage and remove after 24 hours.This will result in formation of a blister and you will notice the wart falling off within just a week. However, this remedy can irritate the skin to some extent; therefore, it would be a good idea to protect your skin with the help of Vitamin E oil.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil For Warts Removal

Tea tree essential oil works as a powerful antiseptic that kills the bacteria that causes warts. Due to this, it is considered to be one of the most useful remedies for wart removal. Another reason behind it popularity is its high success rate.

Caster Oil

Caster oil has also been found to be an extremely effective remedy for removal of warts. To use this remedy, simply apply this oil directly on the wart and massage or rub it into the skin with the help of your fingertips.After you continue this treatment each day as well as night for several weeks, the wart will disappear on its own. The wart can also be removed by applying the caster oil on the wart directly and keeping it covered. Keeping the wart covered using a bandage will ensure that the wart vanishes within just 3 weeks.
Caster Oil For Warts Removal

Echinacea Pills

Taking Echinacea pills regularly goes a long way in helping with the healing of skin infections including warts. All you need to do is take these specially formulated pills on a regular basis as per the instructions given on the package.
Echinacea Pills For Warts Removal

This herb has been used for a long time by Native American Indians for curing a number of disorders. In fact, it is one of the most prescribed herbs based product in the world.