9 Home Remedies for Indigestion


Home Remedies For Indigestion
Indigestion is a stomach problem. Indigestion is also known as Dyspepsia. Common causes of indigestion include improper chewing of food, excessive consumption of oily and spicy food, intake of excessive alcohol, smoking and so on.

Pain in the belly, nausea, uncontrolled burping, heartburn and so on are some common symptoms of indigestion. Ignoring the problem of indigestion may result in gall bladder problems or stomach ulcers. Different home remedies can be used to treat the problem of indigestion.

9 Home Remedies for Indigestion

Use Lemon

Lemon Juice For Indigestion

Drinking a glass of warm water containing lemon juice (4 – 5 teaspoons) empty stomach in the morning can provide relief from indigestion.An individual can also consume lime tea (in place of milk tea) to treat the problem of indigestion.

Use Ginger

Ginger For Indigestion

Chewing a small piece of fresh ginger 8 – 10 minutes before each meal can cure the problem of indigestion. Consumption of a glass of warm water containing ginger juice (2 – 3 teaspoons) and honey (1 teaspoon) can improve digestion. Drinking ginger tea 2 to 3 times in a day can also help an individual in treating the problem of indigestion.

Use Coriander

Coriander For Indigestion Relief

Drinking a glass of warm water containing extract of coriander leaves on a regular basis can provide relief from the problem of indigestion. Coriander seeds can also be consumed with water for treating indigestion.It is advisable for an individual to consume food items containing coriander seeds or coriander powder to treat the problem of indigestion.

Use Mint

Mint For Indigestion Relief

Consumption of a glass of lukewarm water containing the extract of mint leaves can improve digestion. Drinking a glass of mint juice with honey (2 teaspoons) 4 to 5 times in a day can provide better results.

Use Herbal Tea

An individual can consume a tea prepared with ginger, lavender oil and chamomile oil to treat the problem of indigestion.Fennel seeds can also be used to prepare a herbal tea. Regular consumption of this tea can provide relief from indigestion.

Herbal Tea For Indigestion Relief

Use Garlic

Massaging stomach with a mix of garlic oil and soya oil on a regular basis for 1 to 2 weeks can help in improving digestion. It is advisable to consume food items containing garlic in order to treat the problem of indigestion.

Garlic For Indigestion Relief

Use Almond

Consumption of almonds (5 – 10) with a glass of warm milk on a daily basis can also help in the treatment of indigestion.Consumption of almonds on a regular basis can cure the problem of heartburn and stomach pain resulting from indigestion.

Almond For Indigestion Relief

Use Baking Soda

An individual can drink a glass of warm water containing baking soda (1 tablespoon) to obtain quick relief from indigestion. Baking soda can be added to fresh fruit juice and consumed regularly to treat the problem of indigestion.

Baking Soda For Indigestion Relief

Drink Fresh Fruit Juice/Eat Fresh Fruits

Different fruits can be used to treat the problem of indigestion. Drinking a glass of pineapple juice 2 to 3 times in a day can provide relief from the problem of indigestion.Drinking orange juice 10 minutes before each meal can promote digestion. Consumption of grapes or grape juice on a daily basis can cure indigestion. Eating papaya in breakfast can improve digestion.

Fruit Juice For Indigestion Relief