11 Home Remedies For Gallstones


The problem of gallstones is also known as “Bilestones” or “Biliary Calculi”. Cholesterol and pigment (black and brown) stones are the two types of gallstones.Gallstones are solid, pebble-like deposits that form inside the gallbladder or bile ducts.


Gallstones may vary in size. Common symptoms of gallstones include fever, pain in the abdomen or upper right part of the belly, shoulder or back pain and so on.Common causes of gallstones include obesity, aging, fasting and so on. Different types of home remedies may help in the treatment of gallstones.It is extremely important to obtain proper medical advice for obtaining complete relief from the problem of gallstones.

Home Remedies for Gallstones


Consumption of grated garlic cloves mixed with olive oil and lemon juice may help in the treatment of gallstones.It is important to consume this mixture 4 to 5 times in a day to obtain better results.


Celery Water

Intake of celery water prepared by boiling celery in water on a daily basis can help in curing gallstones. It is interesting to note that this remedy may also help in preventing formation of gallstones.

Celery Water

Turmeric Powder

Intake of turmeric powder (1/2 teaspoon) with milk or honey may also help in dealing with the problem of gallstones.It is important to note that excessive consumption of turmeric should be avoided.

Turmeric Powder

Nettle or Peppermint Tea

Intake of nettle or peppermint tea 2 to 3 times in a day may provide relief from the problem of gallstones. Nettle tea can be prepared by boiling dried stinging nettle (1 tablespoon) in a cup of water. Peppermint tea can be prepared by boiling dried peppermint leaves (3 to 4) in a cup of water.

Peppermint Tea


Fresh dandelion leaves can be chewed on a daily basis to treat gallstones.Intake of tea prepared with the use of fresh dandelion leaves and water may also help in curing the problem of gallstones.



Intake of raw beetroot juice may help in the treatment of gallstones. Another alternative is to consume a mixture of beetroot, cucumber and carrot juice.



Intake of pears in the raw form may also provide relief from gallstones. Intake of pear juice on a daily basis may also provide the desired results.



Intake of a glass of lemon juice containing olive oil (2 teaspoons) on a regular basis may help in the treatment of gallstones. A mixture of lemon and tomato juice may also be consumed to cure gallstones.


Aloe Vera

Intake of aloe vera juice on a daily basis may provide relief from gallstones.Intake of aloe vera gel (2 teaspoons) with each meal may also help in treating various symptoms associated with gallstones.


Chamomile Tea

Consumption of a cup of chamomile tea 2 to 3 times in a day may help in curing gallstones. Intake of a combination of chamomile and rosemary tea may also provide the desired results.

Chamomile Tea

Black Seeds

Intake of a mixture of grinded black seeds (2 teaspoons) and honey (2 teaspoons) in warm water every morning (empty stomach) may help in treating the problem of gallstones.Consumption of warm water (1 cup) containing black seed oil (1 teaspoon) on a frequent basis may also help in obtaining the effective results.

Black Seeds