9 Home Remedies For Common Cold


Common cold is a communicable disease. It is highly infectious. An individual suffering from common cold should take proper rest to get quick relief from the problem of common cold.


Running nose, stuffy nose, headache, low grade fever and so on are some common symptoms of common cold. Common cold can be cured by using simple home remedies. Some of these remedies may provide immediate relief from common cold.

9 Home Remedies For Common Cold

Consume Turmeric Powder

Use of turmeric can strengthen the immunity power of the body. An individual can add turmeric and honey to a glass of warm milk and drink this mixture (2 – 3 times in a day) to obtain relief from common cold.

Consume Turmeric Powder

Gargle With Warm Salt Water

Gargling with salt water can provide relief from the problem of sore throat which is a common symptom of common cold.Warm water containing black pepper powder can also be used to treat the problem of common cold.

Gargle With Warm Salt Water

Drink Ginger Tea

Drinking ginger tea on a regular basis can also help in the treatment of common cold. Intake of boiled water containing a mix of ginger, lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey four to five times in a day can provide quick relief from common cold.Dry ginger powder can be consumed with jaggery to obtain desired results. Ginger, clove and salt paste can also be applied on the nose and around the neck area.

Drink Ginger Tea

Inhale Aroma

Inhaling the aroma of crushed thyme seeds can clear the nostrils instantly. The aroma of turmeric powder sprinkled over burning coal can be inhaled to clear the blockage of nostrils. This remedy should be used with extreme precautions.

Inhale Aroma

Consume Vitamin C Rich Fruits And Vegetables

Guava, strawberry, papaya, orange, kiwi and so on are some common Vitamin C rich fruits. Cauliflower, broccoli, bell pepper, lemon, and so on are some common Vitamin C rich vegetables.An individual suffering from common cold should increase the intake of Vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables to treat various symptoms of common cold.

Consume Vitamin C Rich Fruits

Use Eucalyptus Oil

Applying eucalyptus oil on nose, forehead and around chest area can provide relief from the problem of common cold. Inhaling the aroma of eucalyptus oil can clear the blockage of nostrils.

Use Eucalyptus Oil

Use Almond Oil

Putting a few drops of almond oil in the nostrils can cure the running nose. Having almond oil with a mix of ginger juice and white onion juice can reduce the body ache resulting from common cold. To obtain quick results, an individual can take this syrup thrice in a day.

Use Almond Oil

Use Basil

Drinking basil tea can provide instant relief from the problem of common cold. It is advisable to consume basil tea three or four times in a day.Extract of basil leaves mixed with warm water can be taken by an individual to treat nasal blockage. Chewing basil leaves can also help in the treatment of common cold.

Use Basil

Drink Soup

Hot vegetable soup can be consumed by an individual to get rid of common cold. Drinking hot chicken soup is also recommended to obtain quick relief from common cold.

Drink Soup