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A bunion is also known as “Hallux Valgus”. Bunions are usually found in women. This problem can lead to the development of a bump on the outside edge of an individual’s toe. An individual suffering from this problem should avoid wearing narrow-toed and high-heeled shoes on a frequent basis.
In extreme cases, a bunion can also result in severe foot pain. Besides wearing comfortable shoes, an individual can use various home remedies to treat the problem of bunions. Proper medical treatment should be obtained in case of extreme pain resulting from a bunion.
Natural Home Remedies For Bunions
Castor Oil
An individual can soak a cotton cloth bandage in warm castor oil and place it on the affected foot to treat the problem of a bunion. Castor oil can also be used to massage the affected area to reduce the pain resulting from a bunion.
An individual can rub crushed red peppers on the affected foot to relieve the inflammation and pain resulting from a bunion. Cayenne pepper can also be used in place of red pepper. Regular application of these peppers can provide the desired results.
Turmeric For Bunions
An individual can consume turmeric powder (1 teaspoon) with warm water (1 cup) on a daily basis to treat various symptoms associated with bunions.A paste of turmeric powder and mustard oil can also be directly applied on the affected toe to cure a bunion. An individual can also grate fresh turmeric and apply it on the affected area 2 to 3 times in a day to obtain effective results.
An individual can prepare a tonic by boiling fresh ginger (a small piece) in water and consume it on a daily basis to obtain relief from bunions. Dry ginger powder (1 teaspoon) can also be consumed before each meal to treat bunions. Intake of food items containing ginger can reduce the inflammation resulting from bunions.
An individual can apply clove oil on the affected toe and cover it with a cotton bandage to deal with the problem of a bunion. It is advisable to remove the bandage after 4 to 5 hours. A paste of crushed cloves and honey can also be directly applied on the affected area to cure a bunion.
Aloe Vera
An individual can apply aloe vera gel on the affected toe to treat various symptoms associated with a bunion. Consumption of aloe vera juice (1/4th cup) can also provide the desired results. The affected area can also be washed with aloe vera juice.
Consumption of tea prepared by boiling chamomile leaves in water on a frequent basis can help in the treatment of a bunion. Used chamomile tea bags can also be placed on the affected toe to reduce the pain and inflammation resulting from a bunion.
Ice For Bunions
An individual can keep an ice pack created by wrapping ice cubes in a small towel for a period of 15 to 20 minutes to reduce the swelling and pain from a bunion. A bucket of water containing ice cubes can also be used for soaking the affected foot to obtain the desired results.
An individual can apply margosa oil on the affected toe several times in a day to treat the problem of a bunion.