8 Home Remedies For Bed Sores


Bed Sores

Bed sores are also known as pressure sores. The problem of bed sores is often faced by individuals staying in the same position for a long period of time. Bed sores are generally found in patients in hospitals/nursing homes. To deal with the problem of bed sores, it is important to move the body on a regular basis.

This helps in reducing the pressure on a particular part of the body resulting in formation of bed sores. Further, it is important to keep the affected area dry as moisture can increase the problem. Home remedies can also be used to treat bed sores. Some of the commonly used home remedies are mentioned below.

Effective Home Remedies for Bed Sores

Use Mix of Honey and Sugar


A simple home remedy to cure bed sores is to apply a mixture of honey and sugar on the affected area. It is important to create a thick paste with the use of these two components. This mixture should be applied twice in a day to treat bed sores. Honey can also be directly applied to treat bed sores.

Use Turmeric Powder

Washing the affected area with a mix of turmeric powder and water can also provide relief from the problem of bed sores.It is important to clean the affected area with a soft cotton cloth after the application of this mixture. Another option is to sprinkle turmeric powder on the affected area.


Use Comfrey Leaves and Slippery Elm

Applying a paste created with the use of slippery elm and comfrey leaves on the affected area can also help in the treatment of bed sores. This remedy should be used before going to bed at night in order to obtain best results.

Slippery Elm

Use Wheat Germ Oil or Aloe Vera Gel

Application of wheat germ oil on the affected area can also provide effective results. Another home remedy for bed sore is aloe vera gel. Extraction of fresh aloe vera gel is easy.Direct application of aloe vera gel on the affected area can also help an individual in dealing with the problem of bed sores. Aloe vera gel should be applied 2 – 3 times in a day in order to obtain quick results.

aloe gel

Use Calendula

Calendula can also be used to treat bed sores. It can be directly applied on the affected area to obtain desired results. An individual can also apply calendula cream to cure bed sores.


Use Honey with Beet Juice

Application of a paste of honey (2 tablespoons) and beet juice (1 tablespoon) on the affected area can provide quick relief from the problem of bed sores. Flour can also be added to this mixture to create a thick paste.

Beet Juice

Spray Lysol

Lysol can also be used as a home remedy for bed sores. Lysol can be sprayed on the affected area with the help of a spray bottle.


Consume Water

Consumption of water can also help in the treatment of bed sores. Drinking water regularly can help in keeping the skin soft. It can also help in the removal of dead tissue.
