Herbal Remedies For Knee Swelling


The main cause of knee swelling is collection of fluid in the knee joint and the tissues around it. This condition is also known as edema. Knee swelling can be due to injury, arthritis, infection trauma, dehydration, blood clots, obesity, poor circulation, overuse of knees and insect bites. Knee swelling causes discomfort and pain. You may have a problem in moving freely due to knee swelling.

If you have knee swelling, you should not put weight on the affected knee. Use herbal remedies for curing knee swelling. These remedies can help in removing the collected water from the knees, thus decreasing the swelling. You should use herbal remedies along with the medical treatment and not as its substitute. The following herbal remedies for knee swelling have provided relief in the condition.

Herbal Remedies For Knee Swelling


Dandelion is a very good herb for knee swelling. Leaves and flowers of dandelion have medicinal properties. Its roots are also very useful. Dandelion root has a diuretic effect on the body and it can be used for curing the problem of edema. Dandelion root is used by herbalists for treating knee swelling and gout.


If you want to use dandelion for curing knee swelling, you must consult a doctor first. Dandelion can interact with some other medicines that you may be taking. People who are taking antibiotics and antacids must use dandelion only after consulting a doctor.

Stinging Nettle

You can use stinging nettle for curing knee swelling. Stinging nettle has diuretic properties and helps in curing joint pain and gout. It is also useful for the treatment of arthritis.

Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle extract help in fighting inflammation. It is effective in treating rheumatism. When you are taking stinging nettle for curing knee swelling, you should not take any other diuretic along with it. Use stinging nettle only after consulting a doctor.


Horsetail has been used since ancient times for the treatment of wounds and bleeding. Horsetail has diuretic properties. It contains high amount of silicon, which is required by the body for the health of bones.


Research has shown that horsetail can decrease inflammation and edema very effectively. You can use horsetail for curing knee swelling and pain in the joints. Do not use horsetail along with other diuretics. Use horsetail only after consulting a doctor.

Juniper Berries

Juniper berries help in curing knee swelling. These berries have antiseptic and diuretic properties. The berries are used for the treatment of knee swelling in arthritis and gout.

Juniper Berries

It is useful for treating rheumatism. People who have kidney disease should not take juniper berries as these berries cause irritation in the kidneys.


Turmeric is a common spice used for cooking Indian dishes. Turmeric has the ability to cure knee swelling. Turmeric contains curcumin, which helps in fighting inflammation. Turmeric is useful for the treatment of swelling that occurs due to osteoporosis. Turmeric is used along with some other herbs like winter cherry extract.

Consume turmeric

If you want to use turmeric for curing knee swelling, you should take a dose of 1-3 grams turmeric powder daily. You can take turmeric in the form of capsule. You can brew turmeric in the tea. You can also add turmeric while cooking food. Turmeric can cause thinning of blood, which leads to bleeding.