12 Herbal Remedies For Hair Growth


A luxuriant hair that is shiny and bouncing makes a strong style statement. Having good hair growth is the result of several factors including hereditary, general health, nourishment and care of the hair. In order to nourish the hair, nature has offered many valuable herbs which are now in great demand. These herbs not only promote hair growth but also are safe, devoid of any side effects.

Hair Growth

Popular Herbs for Hair Growth

Indian Gooseberry

The fruit of Indian Gooseberry (Embilica officinalis)or Amla has been used as a hair tonic since very long. The dried fruit is powdered and mixed with oil and used as a hair massage. Intake of the fruit also provides nourishment to the body promoting hair growth.The various nutrients present in Amla including a high content of b. Amla extract in oil base has been an inevitable pack for hair massage and for anti-dandruff treatment as it stimulates hair growth in follicles as well as helps to retain the moisture throughout the length of the hair.

Indian Gooseberry


The use of henna (Lawsonia enormis) is closely associated with good-looking hair and is an integral part of any beauty treatment. The leaves of this flowering plant are used not only to promote hair growth but also to give a shining dark colour to the hair. The leaves are dried and powdered and used for application.The use of henna is found to maintain a balance ph of the scalp and this will take care of the problems like itching and dandruff that irritates the scalp. Also henna helps to repair damage in the cuticle and prevents hair breakage. In addition it will render a lustrous appearance to your hair and will turn those embarrassing grey strands to deep-brown ones.


Aloe Vera

The gel extracted from the plant of Aloe Vera (Aloe vera) is used for stimulating hair growth. The various enzymes present in the gel stimulate the hair follicle and maintain pH balance of the scalp.Also the gel locks the moisture in the hair, preventing dryness and split ends. Aloe vera is either applied directly for hair massage or mixed with oil base.

Aloe Vera


The extract made from the dried flowers of Arnica montana is used to make hair care products. Due to the anti-inflammatory property arnica helps in controlling dandruff and promotes hair growth. Apart from stimulating hair follicles, arnica also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that prevent infection of the scalp. Arnica tincture, oil, cream etc. are available which are applied on the scalp and for hair.



A time-tested hair tonic from the nature, Bhringraj (Eclipta alba) soothes the scalp and promotes hair growth. It is also known to give dark shining color to the hair.It is a weed whose leaves find immense medicinal use. The leaf extract is used to treat premature graying as well as balding. Hair massage with Bhringraj oil is found to give good results and also prevents hair loss.



The daisy-like flowers of Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) has soothing effect on the hair and also promotes hair growth. An infusion prepared from the flowers is applied after washing the hair and left without rinsing it off. This will give a glow and conditioning effect to the hair. The anti-inflammatory properties of Chamomile guards against itching of scalp and dandruff and promotes hair growth.



The infusion from leaves of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is used to wash the hair which gives it a delightful scent apart from promoting hair growth. The tea or vinegar prepared from the leaves is used as a hair conditioner.Rosemary is said to improve blood circulation and stimulate hair growth. For treating dandruff, rosemary vinegar is massaged into the scalp and left for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with water.



The root of this woody shrub is used in the preparation of oil extract that finds immense use in hair care. Burdock ( Arctium lappa) contains some essential fatty acids and phytosterols that are necessary to promote hair growth. Studies have also shown that burdock has a soothing effect on redness of the scalp as well as itchy scalp. Burdock is a blood purifier and thus promotes hair growth by detoxifying the body and improving general health.


Horse Tail

The stem of the horse tail plant (Equisettum spp) are imbued with silica deposits. Silica helps in the formation of a protein glue called collagen which helps in binding the tissues. Hence use of horse tail strengthens the hair and revives damaged hair giving it a luster and healthy look.Also the plant has minerals like potassium, selenium and manganese apart from saponins and flavonoids which also help hair growth. Horse tail is either taken internally as a tea or applied externally as shampoo or conditioner. Horse tail is a major ingredient in creams for treating baldness.

Horse Tail


One of the major ingredients in hair formulas Lavender extract taken from flowers are known to have therapeutic properties for hair growth and also in reducing stress. The regenerative, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial nature of Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) makes it a perfect medicine for treating hair loss.



This herb has ingredients that arrest itching of the scalp.This property of the herb makes it a perfect solution to treat hair loss due to scalp infection and itching. Catmint (Nepeta cataria) has been used since long to treat scalp infection and to promote hair growth.



This plant finds use in treating problems of the scalp due to excess sebum secretion. Excess sebum makes the scalp a breeding ground for organisms like bacteria and fungi. Sage( Salvia officinalis) helps to keep the scalp clean by detoxifying the excess secretions and helps in promoting hair growth. A judicious mix of nutritious food intake as well as external application of herbal extract will help in having healthy and strong hair. Now you need not stop to have a second thought to show off your bouncy tresses!