5 Herbal Remedies For Chest Cold

Cold is another common problem that has affected almost each and every one of us, cold can be of many types. Cough or common cold is not very serious and can be treated accordingly but if the cold continued for 1-2 weeks and added by other symptoms like headache, tiredness, fever, heavy breathing, pain in chest, sore throat and irritation in throat then it may be chest cold or sometimes also called as bronchitis.

Chest Cold

Chest cold is a viral infection that causes chest congestion resulting in pain and heavy breathing. It can be caused by various reasons, sometimes fever and flu can cause chest cold, smoking, getting in touch with the affected person, influenza and allergies can also cause chest cold. Various herbal remedies are also very useful for treating chest cold. These herbal remedies are easily available. Some of the effective herbal remedies for the treatment of chest cold are described below.

Herbal Remedies For Chest Cold

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is very useful for chest cold, it is very effective in removing congestion in the chest and thereby provides relief from chest cold. You can find eucalyptus oil from any general or medical store. For using it massage gently with your finger slowly on your chest and throat.

Repeat this procedure 3-4 days depending on the frequency of the congestion. Another way is add few drops of eucalyptus oil on boiling water cover your head with a towel and lower your head above the boiling water to inhale the vapours. Do it for 1-2 minutes up to 2-3 times a day and it will surely provide you relief from chest cold.

Eucalyptus Oil

Thyme Or Ajwain

Thyme or ajwain is one of the best herbal remedy for treating any cold and congestion. Various medicinal properties of thyme make it an ideal chest cold remedy. The best way to use thyme is as tea. Thyme tea and adding few drops of lemon juice can be very effective.

Another method is you can add thyme in various dishes while cooking. Just add its powder or some raw thyme in any food stuff on cooking is very useful in various problems too.



It is another wonderful herb that finds its way in almost all households. You can take turmeric with hot milk and also with honey. You can also add raw turmeric or turmeric powder while cooking. Various medicinal qualities of turmeric make it a good remedy for various health problems.

You can take turmeric by adding few raw turmeric with milk and keep it to boil, and after properly cooling can consume it. Use 1-2 times daily and you can feel the relief from chest cold.



Almost all of us know about the wonderful qualities of ginger that make it best herbal remedy against various health problems.It removes the congestion causing relief from chest cold. You can take it as raw or add ginger to some honey and consume it 1-2 times a day to get relief from chest cold.



Garlic is another wonderful herbal remedy that can be used in various health problems including cold, cough and infections. Its antiviral property helps to remove congestion and providing relief in chest cold. Take 1-2 cloves of garlic daily or use with honey. You can even use garlic in cooking.
