Five Diets To Treat Anemia

Anemia is a common health problem which is caused by the deficiency of adequate amount iron and vitamins in the body. Low iron level cannot produce required amount of haemoglobin, an important particle of the blood which helps in transporting oxygen to various tissues in the body, when this function is not executed properly due to lack of haemoglobin, it leads to anemia.


This could happen due to lack of iron in regular diet, excess bleeding for menstrual period, delivery of a child, damaged kidney, ulcer, cancer etc. Anemia comes along with a number of symptoms as weariness, headache, faintness, short breathings, dull skin, irregular menstrual period, fast heart beats, lack of sleeping etc.

Mainly women but men even children are often found to be affected by anemia. However, people undergo different medical treatments to cure anemia but one of the best ways to treat anemia is through proper diet. There are certain foods which can cure anemia effectively, check them below.

Various Diets For Anemia

Veggies And Fruits

As lack of iron and essential vitamins or minerals cause anemia, so you can fill up this deficiency by adding lots of green leafy veggies and fruits to your regular diet. Among fruits apple, bananas, tomatoes, watermelon etc, can be consumed as they are loaded with good amount of iron along with vitamins and minerals.

On the other hand, you may also include citrus fruits as lemons, berries, grapes, oranges etc. for they preserve a great amount of vitamin c which helps the body to soak the essential iron from foods. Even dry fruits can also be taken as peanuts almonds, walnuts, dates, raisins etc.While for veggies, spinach, collards, carrots, broccoli, kale, figs, Swiss chard, chickpeas, bean sprouts, soy beans, kidney beans, bean sprouts etc. can be opt for as they are rich source for iron, folic acids and other vitamins.

Veggies And Fruits


If you are fond of non-vegetarian foods that it is a good news for you that eating meat could be useful while you are suffering from anemia. You can undoubtedly add beef, pork or lamb kidneys or liver which considered being the store-house for iron and extremely effective for treating anemia.This is an excellent way to inject iron in the body as it dissolves in the body quickly. Apart from these meats you can even add chicken or duck or turkey to your diet to get the same benefits. But make sure not to get the overdose as excess consumption of meat can increase the level of cholesterol.



Honey is the miracle of nature which is endowed with countless health benefits from head to toe. Honey is also beneficial while treating anemia. It assists in haemoglobin production as it preserves a great amount iron, manganese or copper in it.You can add honey to your regular diet and can consume it either raw or mixing with milk or spreading over fruits on a daily basis to get the desired result soon.



Seafood can also come for rescue while you are suffering from iron deficiency or anemia. Sea-fishes like anchovies, Sardines, mussels, oysters etc. possesses a good amount iron, vitamin B12 and other vitamins which work great while treating anemia. So if possible you can include seafood to your daily diet chart.


Whole Grains And Dairy Products

Whole-grain products are easy available yet one of the most effective ways to cure anemia. You can easily include whole wheat bread, pasta, oatmeal, wheat germ, millet, semolina, rice etc. to regular diet.These products offers good amount of iron, folic acids and other vitamins and mineral which are essential to fight anemia problem. Along with them you can also add dairy foods like milk, butter or cheese as they are an enriched source of iron.

Dairy Products