7 Effective Home Remedies for Neuritis


Home Remedies for Neuritis
A potentially serious nervous system disorder, Neuritis is said to occur when a single nerve or a group of nerves swell up significantly. This inflammation of the nerves would cause several side effects like loss of vision, loss of reflexes, physical weakness and decreased sensitivity to sensation etc.Neuritis can be classified into two broad categories; ‘Mononeuritis’ which signifies the inflammation of a single nerve, and ‘Polyneuritis’ which signifies the inflammation of a group of nerves.
Neuritis can also be classified into Optical Neuritis that causes the optic nerve in the eye to swell up and can cause reduced vision in the specific eye, and Peripheral Neuritis that can be caused by excessive pressure on a single or group of nerves in the body (usually occurs when a person remains in the same position for extended periods).

Effective Home Remedies For Neuritis

While medications are often prescribed to treat neuritis, certain home remedies can help alleviate the symptoms of the condition and provide extended relief from the same. These include:

Drink Plenty of Fluids

Fluids To Reduce Neuritis
Individuals with severe cases of neuritis are often prescribed a liquid diet wherein they would need to consume nothing but liquids for a couple of days (at least 5 days).Drinking plenty of fluids during this period would offer relief from the condition and its symptoms. In addition to at least 10 cups of water every day, you can opt for apples, carrots, pineapples, oranges and other citrus fruit juices at regular intervals throughout the day.

Drink Soya Bean Milk

Soya Bean Milk To Reduce Neuritis

Soya bean milk is known to beneficial for individuals suffering from recurring neuritis. It can also treat severe cases of the condition effectively. The best way to use this remedy would be to mix 2 teaspoons of honey in a glass of soya bean milk and drink the concoction every night before going to bed.Soya bean milk is readily available in supermarkets. You can also make your own soya bean milk at home. All you need to do is soak a few soya beans in a bowl of water for at least 12 hour or so. Wash the beans thoroughly and peel off their skin.

Grind the soaked soya beans to form a coarse paste. Add milk to the paste in the ratio 3:1 and let it boil under a low flame for at least 15 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent lumps. Remove the resultant solution, strain it and add some sugar to it. Drink this concoction every day for desirable results.Alternatively, you can opt to skip the milk and just boil the soya beans in water (in the ratio 1:3) for about 15 minutes. Strain the mixture, add some sugar to it and drink it at least twice every day for quick and effective relief from neuritis and its symptoms.

Drink Barley Brew

Lime Juice To Reduce Neuritis

Barley is considered as a very effective home remedy for treating neuritis at home. The best way to get the maximum benefit out of this ingredient is to make a brew consisting of barley, water, buttermilk and lime juice, and drink it at least twice a day for extended relief.Barley brew is fairly simple to make. All you need to do is boil ¼ cup of barley (preferably the natural pearled variety) in ½ cup of water for about 20 minutes over a low flame until the solution reduces to ¼ cup. Let the solution cool down, strain it, add a few drops of lime juice and some buttermilk, and drink the resultant brew once in the morning and night.

Drink Combined Spinach & Carrot Juice

Individuals suffering from neuritis have been known to get relief from the condition and its symptoms by drinking a glass of carrot and spinach juice every day. Neuritis can also be caused by certain nutrient deficiencies. The spinach-carrot juice would provide your body with these missing nutrients and thwart the deficiencies caused by them, thereby effectively treating neuritis and its symptoms in the process.Do not opt for store bought products. Rather, make your own spinach-carrot juice at home by grinding some spinach leaves and carrot together along with some water. Strain the mixture to extract the juice and add some sugar for taste. Drink the juice once in the morning and night for desirable results.

Spinach & Carrot Juice To Reduce Neuritis

Eat Orange Flowers

Orange flowers have toning properties that sooth the nerves and offer relief from neuritis and its symptoms to a great extent. You can opt to eat these flowers (pick fresh ones please) on a daily basis to treat neuritis effectively. Accordingly, dry some fresh orange flowers under the sun and grind them to form a coarse powder. Mix about 10 grams of this powder along with a tablespoon of honey every day can provide significant results in a quick span of time.Alternatively, you can also opt to boil a few fresh orange leaves (opt for bitter ones for better results) in water and drink the resultant solution (after straining it) at least twice a day to get relief from the symptoms of neuritis.

Orange Flowers To Reduce Neuritis

Soak in Warm Water

One of the best ways to soothe irritated and inflamed nerves is to soak in a tub filled with lukewarm water for about 15 minutes at least twice a day. You can also opt to add a teaspoon of Epsom salt to the bathwater beforehand for better results. Follow this remedy regularly until the inflammation in the nerve (or) nerves reduces and the irritation stops.

Soak in Warm Water

Eat Foods Rich in Vitamins

Vitamin deficiencies (particularly those related to Vitamins A, B, B1, B2, B6 and B12) can also lead to neuritis in certain cases. Eating foods rich in these vitamins can therefore prevent these deficiencies from occurring, and effectively curb cases of neuritis caused by the same.Some of the foods you can opt for the same include oranges, pineapples, sprouts, whole grains, brown rice, cottage cheese, whole wheat, raw nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, steamed vegetables, fresh butter, butter milk and beetroots etc. Regular intake of these foods would help reduce the pain, inflammation and weakness caused by the irritated nerves.

Vitamins To Reduce Neuritis