Effective Drugs And Medications For Neuropathy


neuropathy Neuropathy is a condition associated with damage to the veins, which results in loss of sensation, movement and functioning of the nerve/nerves. This form of nerve damage can develop in any part of the human body and occurs mostly due to an injury.

However, the symptoms associated with this condition can be dealt with easily, by using medicinal drugs and other treatment options. Given below is a list of highly effective drugs and medications for treating symptoms of neuropathy.

Best Medicines For Neuropathy


Cymbalta is a medication that is used in the treatment of neuropathy. It is classified as selective serotonin and neropinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSNRI’s), which helps in regulating brain chemicals. This medication has also been used to deal with pain associated with numerous health ailments such as fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and chronic lower back pain. If you are currently using medications containing thioridazine, furazolidone, isocarboxazid, tranylcypromine, and rasagiline, it is imperative that you avoid taking this medication, as it can result in dangerous consequences.


Seek advice from your doctor if you suffer from liver disease, glaucoma, bipolar disorder, hypertension, seizures, epilepsy, or any blood clotting disorder. You should take this medication exactly as directly by your physician. Mild side effects of Cymbalta include drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, fatigue, and mild nausea. If you begin to suffer from dark colored urine, hallucinations, difficulty in concentrating, forgetfulness, burning of eyes, fainting, seizures, and unusual bleeding, consult your doctor immediately.


Tegretol is another medicinal drug that is considered effective in relieving neuropathy symptoms. This medication is classified as an anticonvulsant, which helps in controlling nerve impulses that are responsible for symptoms of pain as well as seizures. This medication is also used in dealing with symptoms of bipolar disorder as well. Tell your doctor if you suffer from any thyroid ailment, lupus, porphyria, kidney disease, heart disease, high cholesterol, or have suffered from any mental disorder in the past.


Even if you begin to experience relief as a result of using this medication, you should always completed the full dosage of this medication. It is highly recommended that you avoid alcohol, as it interacts with this drug. Mild side effects of tegretol include dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness, loss of co-ordination and swollen tongue. Inform your physician immediately if you suffer from fever, pounding heartbeat, rapid weight gain, decreased urination, confusion, vision problems, and hallucinations.


Epitol is a medicinal drug that is used in the treatment of neuropathy as well as conditions such as seizures and jaw pain. This medication is classified as an anticonvulsant drug that helps in deterring nerve impulses responsible for neuropathy symptoms. Do not use this drug if you suffer from any bone disorder, or allergic to any type of medications. If you have taken MAOI in the past 2 weeks, do not use this drug to treat neuropathy.


Mild side effects of epitol include drowsiness, vomiting, unsteadiness, dry mouth and nausea. You should seek immediate medical help if you develop symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, irregular heartbeat, sudden weight gain or loss, vision problems, yellowing of skin, nausea, aggression, hallucinations, light-headedness, black stools, chills or fever.

Phenytek Extended-Release Capsules

Phenytek Extended-Release Capsules are considered highly effective in dealing with symptoms of neuropathy. This is due to the fact that this medication is an anticonvulsant, which helps in decreasing nerve impulses that trigger neuropathy symptoms. Do not use phenytek extended-release capsules if you suffer from an allergic reaction to any of its ingredients. If you consume alcohol, have a history of mental ailments, allergic reactions to food or medications, weakened immune system, blood disorders, or mood swings, ask your physician if this medication is safe for you to consume. Medical experts recommend that you take this medication for the time period specified by your physician, even if you feel well after one or two doses.


This capsule should be swallowed completely, and along with food. This is due to the fact that it causes stomach upset, when taken on an empty stomach. Mild side effects of phenytek extended-release capsules include vomiting, headache, nervousness, insomnia, nervousness, and constipation. The affected individual should receive immediate medical help, if he/she begins to develop symptoms such as slurred speech, swollen gums, unusual muscle movements, extreme fatigue, seizures, sore throat, loss of appetite, numbness, bone pain, or swollen lymph nodes.

Carbatrol Sustained-Release Capsules

Carbatrol Sustained-Release Capsules are excellent for those who suffering from neuropathy. This medication is classified as an anticonvulsant drug, which helps in decreasing nerve impulses responsible for neuropathy pain. You should abstain from using this anticonvulsant drug if you take medications containing nefazodone, trycyclic antidepressants, or have ever suffered from bone marrow depression or other blood ailments. It is important to note that you should not break or chew this capsule, but swallow it directly.


Avoid drinking grapefruit juice or consuming the whole fruit while taking this medication, as it may increase the risk of developing serious side effects. In most cases, individuals taking this medicine experience mild side effects such as unsteadiness, vomiting, nausea, dry mouth, and drowsiness. In cases of severe side effects such as vision problems, yellowing of eyes, loss of appetite, irregular heartbeat, dark urine, bloody stools, difficulty in breathing, swelling of groin, or irregular heartbeat, consult your doctor immediately.


Carnitor is a medication that is considered highly beneficial in treating symptoms of neuropathy. This medication is classified as an amino acid derivative, which helps in reducing pain. You should not use this drug if you suffer from an allergic reaction to any of its components. Prior to using Carnitor, inform your doctor if you suffer from kidney ailments, seizures, allergic reactions, or take herbal medicines.


Common side effects of carnitor include diarrhea, mild weakness of muscles, nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, and foul body odor. It is important that you seek help from a physician immediately, if you develop tightness of chest, hives, difficulty in breathing, swelling of lips, seizures, or rash. It is important to note that these are not the only side effects that might occur as a result of using this medication.