4 Drugs And Medications To Treat Cold Sores

Cold sore or Herpes Simplex Labialis is a viral infection cased by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). While HSV-1 is primarily linked to cold sores, occasionally HSV-2, the virus widely responsible for genital herpes is associated with this viral infection. HSV infections cannot be cured with drugs. Nonetheless, the natural healing process can be accelerated with the help of certain anti-viral medications. These medications are either taken orally or used topically. In case of severe HSV infections, the antiviral drug is administered intravenously to speed up recovery.

Cold Sores

Drugs To Treat Cold Sores


Acyclovir is widely prescribed for speeding up healing of the cold sore virus. It belongs to the class of drugs called synthetic nucleoside analogues. It facilitates healing by preventing multiplication of the herpes simplex virus. However, using this anti-viral medication cannot prevent the infection from spreading to another person.Acyclovir is available in the form of capsule, tablet or solution. The duration of the infection can be reduced by taking the drug as soon as you experience the early symptoms of cold sores. It is taken orally usually two to five times a day, for up to five to ten days or as recommended by the physician.

People on this anti-viral medication should drink plenty of water and fluid. Acyclovir is considered safe when taken according to the instruction of the doctor. If you are susceptible to recurrent cold sore outbreaks, your doctor may ask you to take acyclovir daily to reduce recurrences. Diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, joint pain, fatigue, irritation, vision change and hair loss are some common side effects of the drug.



Valacyclovir can provide relief from cold sores. It speeds up healing of cold sore blisters when taken orally, usually twice daily for up to five days or as directed by the physician. This anti-viral medication is most effective when it is taken at the early stage of the infection.To prevent recurrence, your doctor may prescribe daily intake of the drug. Stomach upset, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting and headache are common side effects of Valacyclovir. Rarely, people on this anti-viral medication experience severe side effects such as itching of the skin, skin rashes, yellowing of eyes and skin, fever, confusion and blood in the urine.



Famciclovir accelerates cold sore healing and reduces the risk of recurrence when taken daily as recommended by the physician. For best results, this anti-viral medication should be taken as soon as the early symptoms of cold sore such as itching, tingling and burning on and around the lips develop.Taking the drug within six hours after the appearance of the first symptoms of infection reduces the duration and severity of the infection. Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, gas, abdominal pain, rash, fatigue, headache and painful menstruation are common side effects of the drug.



Penciclovir is used topically for reducing pain and itching caused during cold sore outbreak. It is available in the form of ointment. Penciclovir cream is applied to the lips every two hours, throughout the day, for about four days or as directed by the physician. Penciclovir is considered safe. Headache and irritation are common side effects of the medication.
