
Diet Treatments For Obesity


Diet Treatment for Obesity Obesity is not only a cosmetic concern, but it also increases the risk of contracting many health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes and heart diseases. If you are obese or overweight, losing weight will help you to overcome many health problems and stay healthy.

Along with exercise, making long-term dietary changes that are realistic can help you achieve consistent weight loss. Your goal should be to lose at least 0.5kg each week, till you achieve a healthy BMI.

Diet Treatments For Obesity

Stay Away From Fad Diets

You must have heard about drastic fad diets that help in rapid weight loss. But, these kinds of weight loss programs do not last long as they are not easy to maintain; and once you take a break and return to your old routine, you will surely regain weight. Instead plan your diet and physical activity in such a way that you can follow it as your daily routine for the rest of your life.

Minimize Your Sugar Intake

Treating obesity with proper food selection is one of the surest ways to lose weight. High calorie intake is one of the primary causes of obesity. Cutting out some of the high calorie foods that add weight can help you lose weight and control obesity.

Reduce sugar intake

One of the culprits is sugar, which is very much prevalent in our diet today.  It is necessary to minimize your sugar intake if you want to control obesity. You need to stay away from consumption of juices containing added sugar, soda, lemonades, sweet teas, soft drinks, flavored yogurt, cookies and candies.

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Effective Diet treatment For Obesity

Stick To A Low Calorie Diet

There are many foods which contain fewer calories, but are still high on nutritional content. A diet is considered to be low calorie if it provides 800 to 1000 calories in a day. It doesn’t mean that you have to consume decreased amount of calorie rich foods. This type of diet will increase your hunger and deprive your body of nutrition. You will be able to lose weight consistently only when you will add foods in your diet that are high on fiber and nutrients and low on calories.

Low Calorie Diet

Carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans and lentils should be included in your daily calorie intake but overly refined carbohydrates must be discarded. Highly processed foods are full of sugar, white rice etc. and are of low nutritional value. Whole grain can make you feel full for a longer period and as a result, they stabilize blood sugar. Beans and legumes are also helpful in controlling obesity as they contain enough fiber that helps to move toxin waste from the body quickly and help to lose weight. Consult your dietician or nutritionist for choosing a low calorie diet.

Limit The Intake Of Trans-Fats and Saturated Fats

Cutting two of this worst kinds of fat is necessary for controlling obesity. Trans-fats can be avoided by cutting down fast foods like pizza, burger, fried chicken and processed foods like packed cookies, biscuits and chips. Instead eat fruits, nuts and other whole grain products. Also limit your intake of saturated fats like red meat and replace them with fish, poultry, legumes and beans.

Avoid Saturated Fats

But you cannot cut out fats completely. Fats are needed to maintain the metabolism. Unsaturated fats that come from plant sources are the best choice. Walnuts, avocado and fish can be included in your diet as they are heart healthy and a healthy choice for controlling obesity.

Low-Fat Dairy Products

Include low-fat dairy products such as skimmed milk, low-fat yogurt, and low-fat cheese to cut calories from your diet.

You will ne able to control obesity within no time, if you are able to incorporate these simple changes and adjustments in your diet on a daily basis. Moderation and balance is the key for treating obesity.