5 Diet Remedies To Beat The Stomach Heat


Diet Remedies To Beat The Stomach Heat

During the warm summer months, our stomach tends to suffer the brink of the heat too. As a result, common problems like diarrhea, heart burn and acidity tends to increase. It is vital to have a diet that helps you calm down this rumbling tummy without creating more havoc. So as a rule of thumb, you should shy away from all kinds of spicy and fried foods because they are going to make internal body heating worse. Rather you should opt natural remedies that cool and soothe the tummy, while providing ample nutrition.

Here are Diet Remedies To Beat The Stomach Heat:

1. Coconut Water And Cream

This is a bliss for those who live near the coastline and have easy access to coconut water. However, canned and even fresh versions of coconut water is now easily available everywhere. What you should do is try to have at least one glass of coconut water a day to get your share of natural electrolytes. Coconut water soothes the tummy and aids digestion while providing relief from heat. Even the cream of the fresh, green coconut has high nutritive value, especially proteins and calcium, which helps in combating heat related side effects like rash.

Coconut Water

2. Yogurt And Buttermilk

Natural yogurt and its different forms like buttermilk or even smoothies is a great way to beat the heat. Yogurt is high on probiotics, which helps to combat different types of common infections caused by the heat. Remember that humidity makes the growth of bacteria and viruses worse. So include a bowl of yogurt for at least one meal of your day. You can have a glass of butter milk too with a bit of spices like cumin, which too aids in combating heat related problems. This will sooth the stomach, help you replenish the loss of fluids due to sweating and provide natural cooling.

Yogurt And Buttermilk

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3. Juicy Fruits

Nothing works like a cooling melon or a juicy mango during these sultry times. Summer fruits are high on water content, which helps you to get ample amount of natural sugar along with water. Basically synthetic sugar may help you feel better, but it also adds calories. These fruits on the hand provide you with the right amount of sugar that the body needs, while giving the goodness of fibres too. So think water melon, sugarcane, pineapples, mangoes, litchis and other similar tropical fruits that are easily available during this period.

4. Lemonade With Honey

Water should be consumed in natural forms through out the day. But during the sweltering season it seems that the water intake is not really helping you. What you can try instead is having a glass of lemonade with natural lemons and honey at leas twice a day. In the mornings have it luke warm to flush out toxins but get the ample of amount of hydration. In the evenings, you can trying having it chilled but without ice. Ice may provide temporary relief but in the long run will cause more of internal heating.

Honey and Lemon
5. Grilled Veggies And Fish

Say goodbye to red meats and fried foods for a while and stick to lightly grilled or sautéed vegetables and fishes. The reason behind this is that too much of oil in the food will cause more problems to an ailing tummy during the warm season. Instead opt for these lightly grilled alternatives. Stick to fish, veggies like mushrooms, potatoes, etc. that are easier to digest. If you want a bit of spice, add fresh green chillies rather than powdered red ones as they don’t increase internal body temperature drastically.


 Grilled Veggies And Fish