
9 Best Home Remedies For Detoxification


9 Best Home Remedies For Detoxification

With the growing pollution and toxic environments, it is essential to detoxify on a regular basis for good health and a glowing skin. Detoxification is basically the removal of harmful toxins from the body. Although the body naturally eliminates these toxins from the system, this process can be enhanced with the help of few remedies and diet changes. This would not only help you get rid of health problems like headaches, allergies, skin problem and digestive disorders, but also helps you lose weight.
Here are a few easy home remedies for detoxifying your body.

Home Remedies For Detoxification:

Green Tea

Green tea is loaded with anti-oxidants and is an excellent source of detoxification. It helps cleanse the body of all the harmful toxins and helps is improving the health and boosting the immune system. Drink 2-3 cups of green tea in a day for best results. Avoid having green tea with meals, as it interferes with the nutrient absorption process of the body.

Green tea

Green Smoothie

In addition to detoxification, green smoothies also nourish the body with important vitamins and minerals. Green vegetables contain chlorophyll, which is an important element, aiding the elimination of harmful toxins. Blend one green apple, one cup of kale, half a cup of parsley and one ripe banana with two and a half cups of water to form a smoothie. Drink 2-3 cups of this smoothie in between meals and say goodbye to toxins.

Green Smoothie


Citrus fruits aid in cleansing the liver of all the harmful toxins. Lemon is a superb source of citric acid; which not only cleanses the body, but also boosts the liver’s bile production and absorption of minerals in the body. Squeeze the juice of one lemon in one cup of warm water, and drink it first thing in the morning. It would help in detoxification as well as strengthening the immune system.

Lemon Juice

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps cleansing the body and accelerates the process of detoxification. It improves your health and relieves you from chronic disease or constant aches. Take three quarters cup of fresh vegetable juice and add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to it. This can be taken several times a day, in between meals, for good health and a toxin free system.

Mix Of Apple Cider Vinegar And Hot Water


Turmeric is known for its medicinal properties. It is loaded with anti-oxidants and helps in purifying blood and cleansing the liver. Just add one teaspoon turmeric, a pinch of cayenne pepper, the juice of one lemon and some honey to a cup of warm water. Drink this brew daily, for some weeks and see the results.



Garlic does not flush out toxins, but aids in accelerating the natural detoxification process of the body. It is loaded with anti-oxidants which help in purifying the blood and reducing the effects of ageing, in addition to preventing cancer and heart disease. Though it has a sharp taste, but consuming 2-4 cloves of fresh garlic in a day help in supporting the natural cleansing process to eliminate the harmful toxins with speed.


Dandelion Roots Tea

Although dandelion roots tea has a bitter taste, it helps in removing toxins from the liver, and also helps in cleansing the kidney and the bladder. It provides relief from constipation and upset stomach too. Boil two teaspoons of dandelion roots in one cup water and let it steep for some time. To reduce the bitterness, you can either add some lemon juice or some honey. Drink this tea twice a day for best results.

Dandelion Roots Tea

Beet-Root, Carrot And Orange Juice

Beet-root contains choline, which aids in cleansing the liver. In addition to this it also helps in purifying the blood and preventing cancer, liver and heart disease. Carrot boosts the immune system and prevents skin disorders, while orange has anti-oxidants which reduce the effects of ageing and also build resistance against illness. Blend one beet-root, two carrots and two oranges; and strain the juice. Consume this juice daily for a strong and healthy body.


Licorice Roots Tea

Licorice roots tea is a brilliant detoxifying drink for the body. It reduces sugar cravings which accelerate the detoxification process. Add one teaspoon of ginger powder and one tablespoon of ground licorice roots to half a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 5-10 minutes, before adding some lemon juice. Drink this tea daily, for a few weeks. It is advised not to consume an excess of licorice roots as it may lead to some side effects like increased the blood pressure and sodium retention in the body.

Licorice Roots Tea