
9 Best Alternative Cures For Diarrhoea

9 Best Alternative Cures For Diarrhoea

The chronic situation the improper functioning of the digestive system which results in frequent passing of stool that are loose and watery, more than 2 or 3 times a day, is called diarrhoea. The situation arises when the intestine of your body is unable to soak the extra water which comes out of your body along with the stool. The common causes of diarrhoea are bacterial infections, intake of contaminated food or polluted water, intestinal diseases, viral infections, irritable bowel syndrome and so on. The symptoms of diarrhoea are watery stool, nausea, bloating, cramping, vomiting, abdominal pain etc. Here are simple home remedies that can rescue you from the delinquency of diarrhoea.

Here Are Best Alternative Cures For Diarrhoea:


Ginger is an ingredient used commonly and frequently as a medication for a number of bodily problems. It has been especially used for the treatment of food poisoning and to get rid of the abdominal cramps and pain. Take a small piece of ginger. Grate the ginger and add a teaspoon of honey to it. Eat the solution in order to promote the release the necessary gastric juices and thereby improve the digestion procedure. However do not drink water after this. Alternatively you can also consume ginger tea at least twice a day to cure diarrhoea. Add a small piece of ginger to a cup of hot boiling water. Strain this solution and add honey to taste before consuming it. Repeat till there is cure found.


Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds is commonly known as methi seeds in India. This helps to reduce the discomfort and the severity caused as a result of diarrhoea. This is a long used folk remedy. Add half a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds to water and leave it for some time or overnight. Then drink the water.

Fenugreek Seeds


Banana is rich in pectin which contains smoothing properties and soluble fibre which soaks up the extra fluid which remains unabsorbed by the intestine. This slows down the passage of stool. Eat banana as it is this helps a lot. One banana a day can solve or avoid such conditions.


Carrot Juice

Carrot is yet another product that contains pectin. Boils some carrots till they become soft. Once this is done drop the cooked carrots in to the blender. Add little water and puree should be consumed fir effective results. Prepare this juice and keep the mixture ready so that you may consume it at frequent to get astounding results.

 Carrot Juice


Yoghurt is again a common solution to a number of health issues. Yoghurt contains live cuktures like bifid bacterium, Lactobacillus and acidophilus. These contents help in restoration of healthy and balanced levels of the useful bacteria in your intestine. Consume yoghurt as it is or maybe you can add sugar or salt to your taste.


Black Tea

Tea is another solution for diarrhoea. One of the major problems that the body faces during this condition is the excessive loss of water from the body. Prepare black tea and add sugar to taste to it. This hot beverage helps to rehydrate the body and the tea as it is contains astringent tannins which are useful in reduction of inflammation of the intestine.

Black Tea

Avoid Food That Are Hard To Digest

Avoid food like beans, cabbage, sprouts, etc. which are rich in roughage. This is because these food are hard to digest. Avoid dairy products milk, cheese, etc. except for yoghurt till the condition cures. Avoid fruit juices as the sugar in the fruits and the juice can increase the condition since there is high concentration of sugar that affects the intestine. Don’t touch high fibre foods and greasy foods. These foods are hard to digest which will further affect your condition.

Dairy Products

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea contains properties that are helpful in the treatment of inflammation of the intestine. It also contains the tannins that have the anti-diarrheal effect. You get readymade chamomile tea bags in the market either use them or you can also buy the chamomile flowers. Add 1 teaspoon of the flower along with one teaspoon of peppermint leaves to a cup of boiling water and allow it to continue boiling for some time. Drink the tea at least twice a day till the condition cures.

Consume Chamomile Tea


Blackberries have been used as a remedy for diarrhoea since ages. Just like the black tea even the blackberries are rich in tannin. You can consume blackberries as it is or even better if you could prepare a blackberry tea. Add to the boiling water 1 or 2 tablespoons of blackberries. Allow the mixture to boil for some time. Drink the mixture frequently in a day till effective results are got.
