9 Top Home Remedies For Psoriasis

9 Top Home Remedies For Psoriasis

Psoriasis is caused in the skin. It causes the skin to become dry, reddish; the skin appears to be like patches of scale. The human cell of the skins goes through the life cycle of a month. Deep within the skin the new cells are formed after a month the new cells make their way to the skin.  Within this time when the new skin cells come on top the old cells die which get sloughed off by towelling and bathing. The person suffering from psoriasis follows this whole process of new skin cells and old skin cells in just 4 to 5 days, which causes dead skin on the surface of the skin. This usually happens to the area of knees, elbows, lower back, knuckles they appear to be dry, irritating and the scaly patches appearance.

Home Remedies For Psoriasis:


Dry skin usually can bleed, have cracks or become infected so. It is important to keep the dry skin moisture. It is necessary to keep the skin moist which can help reduce the inflammation; psoriasis makes the movements of the body difficult. Moisturizing the areas that are affected can help ease them, cooking oils can be used to moist the areas.

Sun Light

Sun light is one of the simplest and the cheapest way to cure psoriasis. The rays of the sunlight should fall on the areas that are affected for about 10 minutes. Make sure to apply the sunscreen on the body besides the area of psoriasis.

Sun Light
Coal Tar

The tar that is made from coal and wood can treat the psoriasis affected areas. Coal tar helps to treat the psoriasis by slowing down the growth of the cells. While treating with a coal tar, make sure not to expose too much to the sun. The concentration of the coal tar is more effective to the psoriasis.

Coal Tar
Salicylic Acid

The salicylic acid is one of the medications that can be purchases without the prescription of the doctor. Salicylic acid contains a substance known as keratoolytic; this substance helps to remove the outer layer of the dead skin. Salicylic acid helps the scales on the skin caused by psoriasis to soften and helps it to fall away.

Salicylic Acid

Using of tropical ointments to treat a problem is known as Occulusion. When an ointment is applied to the area that has been affected with psoriasis, it starts to moisture and absorb the ointments that helps in treating the problem of psoriasis. After applying the tropical ointments the area should be covered with cotton, waterproof dressing or a plastic wrap.

Skin Sensitive Soaps

Most of the bath soaps are dry so make sure while purchasing soap for bathing it should be a skin sensitive soap. Most of the soaps are made with the combination of dyes and perfumes which can be harsh to the skin.

Skin Sensitive Soaps

Diet plays a major role in the natural treatment of a disease. Avoid eating red meat and the foods that have a high level of fats. Including chocolates, cranberries and soy nuts in the list of functional foods can help in treating psoriasis.

Olive Oil

Massaging the affected area with olive oil can help in curing the inflammation and redness caused by the psoriasis. Olive oil provides some extra benefits to the skin s well. Try massaging the area before going for a bath and leave the oil on the skin for half an hour for the skin to absorb.

Olive Oil
Epsom Salt

Mix a little Epsom salt in the bathing water and dip yourself in the water. The water should be Luke warm so it can moisten the affected areas. It helps in treating the itchiness and also infiltrates the scales along with the plaques.

Epsom Salt