9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Black Seeds


Benefits Of Black Seeds

Black seeds have been used since ages for its medicinal and therapeutic properties. The scientific name of black seed is Nigella Sativa which is basically found in western Asia, the middle-east as well as in Eastern Europe. The plant produces fruits that have tiny black seeds within them. It is helpful in providing relief from toothache, headache, intestinal worms, pink eyes or conjunctivitis, nasal congestion, parasitic infections, as well as abscesses. It is also beneficial for the digestive system. It is helpful in reducing the symptoms of constipation, diarrhea, gas, dysentery, and even hemorrhoids. Black seed are full of anti oxidant properties that help in reducing inflammation. Black seed also improves our respiratory system and provides relief from various health issues associated with respiration like bronchitis, allergies and asthma, cough, congestion. It is also an effective home remedy against common flu as well as swine flu.

In This Article, Let Us Discuss Some Of The Health Benefits Of Black Seeds In Detail:

1. Improves Blood Circulation

Black seed is also beneficial for our blood circulation system as it helps in regulating the blood pressure and promotes good cholesterol. It also helps in easing the side effects of cancer treatments like chemotherapy. Black seed helps in boosting our immunity system and reducing the levels of allergies by working as anti-histamine (1).

Improves Blood Circulation

2. Provides Relief From The Side Effects Of Cancer

Black seeds consist of two chemicals thymohydroquinone and thymoquinone. It helps in reducing the risks of cancer as well as provides relief from the various side effects of cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation in cancer patients. The various mechanisms through which black seeds help in reducing the side are anti-metastasis, anti-angiogenesis, anti-proliferation as apoptosis induction (2).

Provides Relief From The Side Effects Of Cancer

3. Promotes Liver Health

As we know that liver is one of the largest organ in our body, the toxins that enter our body have to be processed through the liver which requires the liver to be stronger. Liver is also an important part of the digestive system and therefore a weak liver cannot help in digestion fully. Black seed oil helps in reversing the damages caused to the liver due to toxicity, alcohol abuse or prolonged medical illness. It also helps in improving the liver functions (3).

Promotes Liver Health

4. Helps In Promoting Glucose Tolerance

Nigella Sativa or BS is an excellent remedy that helps in reversing the affects of both types of diabetes, that is, type I and type II diabetes. Including black seeds in your daily diet help in reducing the risks of diabetes. Black seed also enhances the levels of glucose tolerance without causing any side effect. It is especially beneficial for patients of type II diabetes who are mostly dependent on metformin as metformin has various side effects. Black seed helps in degeneration of beta cells present in the pancreas, partially. Metformin can cause side effects like muscle pain, heartburn, heartache, bloating, gas formation and indigestion, headache, change in taste and appetite or constipation (4).

Helps In Promoting Glucose Tolerance

5. Helps In Weight Loss

Black seed or Nigella Sativa is an excellent home remedy for weight loss. Being anti-inflammatory in nature, it helps in reducing the body weight by lowering down the weight-gain factors like cholesterol, appetite, triglycerides, glucose absorption, blood sugar levels and liver gluconeogenesis (5).

Helps In Weight Loss

6. Regulates Blood Pressure

Black seeds are effective for lowering the levels of blood pressure. It works by decreasing the LDL cholesterol in the blood and works as a natural remedy for hypertension. If you have high blood pressure or you are at the risk of having it due to genetic reasons, you may include a little quantity of black seed in your daily diet (6).

Blood Pressure

7. Helps In Providing Relief From Asthma

Black seed or Nigella Sativa contains anti-asthmatic properties. If you have asthmatic problems, black seed oil can be beneficial. You can also boil some black seeds in water and inhale it. Adding nigella or black seed to your regular diet can also help in lowering the chances of asthmatic attacks. However, it is important to seek the approval of your doctor before using it in any form if you have asthma (7).

Helps In Providing Relief From Asthma

8. Black Seed Relieves Sore Throat

Black seed is an effective home remedy for tonsillitis or other throat problems. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral in nature which helps in providing relief from throat problems like viral, bacterial or other infections (8).

Black Seed Relieves Sore Throat

9. Promotes Healthy Heart

Black seed is rich in unsaturated fatty acids like Omega-6 and Omega-9. It also contains phytosterols. Regular intake of black seed helps in improving the elasticity of the blood vessels, reduces the risk of tearing of the capillaries and reduces the risk of thrombus or plagues formation and unclogs the arteries. It also lowers the level of bad cholesterol and improves cardiovascular health. It is very effective in lowering the effects of trycardia, hypertension, bradycadia as well as hypotension and other heart issues (9).

Promotes Healthy Heart