8 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Redness On Face

Ways To Get Rid Of Redness On Face

Face is one of the most sensitive areas of our body. It bears the direct brunt of sun, moisture, heat, pollution and what not. When not looked after properly, it gets damaged and suffers from various skin issues. And one of those skin issues is redness on the face. Rosacea or menopause are two reasons of face redness, but they are age related. And they necessarily aren’t always the reasons for red face. Nonetheless, whatever the cause be, we have compiled a list of 8 simple ways in which you can reduce redness on face, and possibly hamper it from recurring.

1. Use Herbal Products

Skin gets inflamed when exposed to harmful chemicals. And using chemically loaded cosmetics for fairness and glow everyday leads to skin inflammation. And inflammation causes itching, alongside face redness. Start using calming anti-inflammatory herbal products. They will reduce redness and remove it completely.

Use Herbal Products

2. Apply Ice

Icing is a natural way to get rid of redness on the face, when accompanied with swelling and pain. This cold therapy relaxes stiff cells and hydrates them. Hydration makes the cells plump and restores the skin’s pH level too. Eventually, the redness of face starts reducing.

Apply Ice

3. Apply Sunscreen

Skin, when directly exposed to harsh sun rays and scorching heat, gets roasted. This doesn’t just leads to tanning, it also inflames the skin. Burnt face skin turns red and causes a lot of pain and itching due to dryness. Thus, always wear a broad spectrum sunscreen to save your face from getting red.

Apply Sunscreen

4. Wash Your Face With Antiseptic Face Wash

Infections due to various factors like toxins or free radicals inflame the skin. Inflammation induced redness can be reduced when you wash your face with an antiseptic herbal face wash, like Neem face wash. It kills the inflammation causing microbes and also calms down the irritated face, reducing the acidic conditions. This gets rid of face redness within a month of regular use.

Wash Your Face With Antiseptic Face Wash

5. Use Shea Based Exfoliator

Do not ever use a coarse granule scrub when your face is red due to inflammation, acne, sun or any other reason. It rubs against the skin too harshly, that further deteriorates the condition. Rather, scrub your face with a Shea loaded exfoliator that has bubble scrubbing granules. This removes dirt and trapped oil, which in turn, reduces acne caused redness.

Use Shea Based Exfoliator

6. Apply Glycerin Overnight

Dryness induced inflammation is a painful condition where the skin becomes scarred, alongside being swollen and red. Simple moisturizing doesn’t do wonders for such chapped skin. Instead, apply rose water diluted glycerin over the affected area. It will cause tingling and might burn. Keep neutralizing with cold rose water till the burning subsides, and leave it overnight. This will remove redness and scars with regular application.

Apply Glycerin Overnight

7. Use Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera pulp offers cooling effect to the skin that lasts longer than most other cooling agents. Mild cooling soothes the inflamed skin cells that turn red, and calms them down. It works wonders for skin redness caused due to sun damage. Eventually, the cells become plump and the face pH is restored to normal. This removes redness completely.

Use Aloe Vera Gel

8. Compress With Cold Green Tea Bags

Used green tea bags have activated antioxidants that reduce skin redness caused due to inflammation induced by sun, dryness, pollution, infections and toxins. When applied cold on the affected area, it reduces swelling and pain. Antioxidants balance the skin’s pH and eventually removes redness and makes the face hydrated and radiant.

Compress With Cold Green Tea Bags

The above listed 8 simple ways will take care of all the redness on your face. They are safe and will cause no further problems. However, for women who still don’t benefit from any of the above listed ways, you must consult a dermatologist and undergo proper screening to identify if the cause is beyond normal, and needs medical assistance.