
7 Top Health Benefits Of Drinking Cinnamon Tea

7 Top Health Benefits Of Drinking Cinnamon Tea

Although cinnamon is most popular as a flavoring agent, it is also taken in the form of tea to help heal various ailments. Cinnamon tea is prepared by simmering cinnamon sticks for 15 to 20 minutes. You will need about one inch cinnamon stick and 1 ¼-cup of water to prepare cinnamon tea. If desired, you can sweeten your cinnamon tea with honey or maple syrup. Cinnamon tea owes its health properties to the bioactive components in the spice. Brewing cinnamon tea helps in increasing the bioavailability of the cinnamon compounds that support healing of various ailments.

Here Are Some Benefits:

Relief From Cold And Cough

The warming effect of cinnamon tea makes it an effective remedy for cold and flu. It helps in loosening the phlegm, thereby providing relief from nasal and chest congestion. The antimicrobial property of cinnamon tea also helps in stimulating the immune system. Drinking cinnamon tea when you are down with cold and flu helps in reducing the severity and duration of the illness.

Relieves Cough And Cold

Improves Blood Sugar Management

Cinnamon tea is the ideal drink for people suffering from type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. It helps in increasing sensitivity to insulin. Consuming cinnamon tea after meals helps in preventing spikes in the blood sugar level. Cinnamon tea helps in stimulating the insulin receptors in the cells by blocking enzymes that tend to inactivate these receptors.

Improves Blood Sugar Management

Fights Chronic Inflammation

Cinnamon tea is also valued for its anti-inflammatory activity. It blocks production of pro-inflammatory messaging molecules that trigger unwanted inflammation. Cinnamon tea is especially beneficial for people suffering from swelling and pain of the joints and muscles.


Weight Loss

Including cinnamon tea in your weight loss diet can help in speeding up the weight loss process. The anti-inflammatory compounds in cinnamon tea helps in inhibiting growth of the adipose tissues. The thermogenic effect of the tea helps in breaking down the fats. Moreover, by stabilizing the blood sugar level, cinnamon tea helps in reducing sugar cravings.

Weight Loss

Improves Blood Circulation

Drinking cinnamon tea also helps in boosting blood circulation. It helps in thinning the blood. Cinnamaldehyde, the main active constituent of cinnamon, prevents abnormal clumping of the blood platelets, which makes the blood sticky, slows blood flow and increasing risk of blood clots.

Improves Blood Circulation

Reduces Risk Of Dementia

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of cinnamon tea help in preventing age-related degeneration of the brain cells. Drinking cinnamon tea can help in reducing risks of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Furthermore, studies have shown that the scent of cinnamon helps in stimulating the brain. It improves mood and cognitive function.

Reduces Risk Of Dementia

Good For Digestion

Cinnamon tea is an effective natural remedy for dyspepsia and flatulence. It has carminative property that helps in eliminating intestinal gas.

Good For Digestion