7 Best Diet Tips For Managing Amnesia

Best Diet Tips For Managing Amnesia

Amnesia is the disease in which a person suffers from complete or partial loss of the memory. Uncoordinated movements and confusion are the other signs of this condition. Brain injury and traumatic experiences can result in the trouble of amnesia. The person suffering from this condition sometimes fails to recognize the places and faces. Immediate medical assistance is required for this condition. Similarly, some best diet tips are highly known to be beneficial in reducing the symptoms of amnesia. Some foods are highly beneficial in boosting the brain power and thus give relief from amnesia.

Keep Reading This Article For Knowing Some Amazing Diet Tips For Managing Amnesia:

1. Walnuts:

This amazing dry fruit works wonder in combating against amnesia. The patient with this condition should intake twenty grams of walnuts on a regular basis. For acquiring maximum benefits, it is suggested to add walnuts to raisins or figs. Ten grams of raisins or figs must be added to ten grams of walnuts. Regular consumption of this combination is recommended for lessening the symptoms of amnesia (1).


2. Almonds:

Almonds are highly beneficial in restoring the poor memory which is caused by the brain weakness. Unique properties in almonds work wonder in removing brain debility. Almonds strengthen your brain. These nuts are very effective in protecting the vitality of your brain. They also reduce the ailments which originated from the nervous disorders. Immerse 10 to 12 almonds in the water for the entire night. In the morning, remove their skin. Mash the almonds and add one teaspoon of butter to the almond paste. Consume this paste (2).


3. Grapes:

Grapes are the amazing fruits that work miracles in invigorating the tissues and brain cells. Grapes are rich in phosphorus. Hence consumption of grapes on the regular basis is highly recommended in order to manage the loss of memory which is caused by the brain debility (3).


4. Dates:

Dates are the amazing sources of a variety of minerals and vitamins. With all these minerals and vitamins, dates can reduce the problem of the memory loss. Therefore, the intake of the dates is highly effective in keeping the problem of loss of memory at bay (4).


5. Oranges:

Oranges are very effective in boosting your memory. Oranges are rich in phosphorus which plays a pivotal role in invigorating the brain cells and tissues. Consume this phosphorus-rich fruit daily to keep the symptoms of the amnesia at bay. Alternatively, include the juice of an orange in your regular diet (5).


6. Cumin Seeds:

You can easily manage the dullness of your memory or amnesia by using cumin seeds. In fact, the usage of the cumin seeds is considered as the valuable remedy for this condition. Two teaspoons of pure honey should be mixed with three grams of black cumin seeds. Blend these ingredients together and consume one time in a day. Prefer consuming this mixture in the morning (6).

Cumin Seeds

7. Black Pepper:

Another fantastic diet tip that comes to your rescue for managing the amnesia is the black pepper. Firstly, take five seeds of black pepper and mash them with the help of pestle. Add one teaspoon of honey to the powder of black pepper. Consume this preparation twice in a day. Prefer eating the mixture in the morning and evening (7).

Black Pepper

People suffering from the amnesia should give utmost importance for the phosphorus-rich diet. Patients should include the phosphorus rich foods such as pulses, egg yolk, milk, fruit juices, cereals, and nuts in their regular diet. Cow’s milk is so beneficial for improving the brain power. Hence, the patient should consume as much cow’s milk as he or she can safely digest. Sufficient sleep and rest are also very important for managing the amnesia. The patient should learn the art of meditation and relaxation which goes a long way in boosting the memory power.