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You might have heard about the benefits of Ayurveda in human life. In fact, Ayurveda is a holistic approach that has contributed a lot in the development of medicinal science. Scientists and medical professionals from different countries of the world have a great faith on Ayurveda only because of the effective and harmless solutions of every ailments and disorders given by this science. Ayurveda is able to give solution of those medical problems which are even failed by allopathy method. For people suffering from underweight issues, Ayurveda has provided some very effective solutions for them so as to reach a standard bodyweight comfortably.
Why To Trust On Ayurvedic Medicine For Weight Gain?
If you’re an underweight person and wants to gain a standard weight then definitely you must be wondering about the effectiveness and ability of ayurvedic medicines for the same. But, ayurvedic medicines in actual are free from side effects and its dosages are mild than compared to allopathic medicines. It doesn’t involve any chemical as all the ingredients used in the manufacturing of such medicines are nature derivative which can induce body weight much faster.
Here Are 6 Effective Ayurvedic Medicines For Weight Gain
Following are the best medicines to achieve standard weight gain without making any hard efforts for the same.
Ashwagandha Churna
Ashwagandha churna is a miracle ayurvedic medicine for weight gain which is blessed with amazing nutrition benefits and therefore, it is always advised to be consumed along with high calorie diet for proper weight gain. Apart from weight gain, this natural herb is also very useful in removing skin complexions and improving immunity system of its consumer. Ideal dosage of 100mg per day can give desirable result in weight gain within 2 months easily.
Chyavanprash is an amazing medicine to attain desirable weight gain because it consists of various natural herbs that can delivers utmost strengths to both muscles and bones of its consumer. If you’re suffering from any digestion related problem then consuming 2 spoons of Chyavanprash only can ease our digestion process thereby improving your blood circulation and immune system to great extent. Chyavanprash is really a best medicine for gaining weight and it can be easily consumed by people of all age groups but with some variation in its dosage.
Saatavari is another miracle product for weight gain which is highly recommended for women undergoing pregnancy stage as well as lactating mothers. Saatavari is made from highly effective natural herbs which can balance the fluid present inside the body thereby rejuvenating the blood vessels. Saatavari is also effective in improving digestion system functioning of its consumer and finally maintain a proper hydration inside the body. However, this product is totally free from any health related side effect even though, pregnant women are always advised to take its prescription under medical guidance only.
Vasant Kusumakar Ras
Vasant Kusumakar Ras is a very effective ayurvedic medicine for weight gain which is advised to be consumed under the guidance of a medical professional. This medicine is an excellent prescription drug for improving body weight, immunity, memory power and removing skin complexion comfortably. Vasant Kusumkar Ras is prescribed to intake in empty stomach either in form of tablet or powder along with ghee, sugar or honey so as to get best result in weight gain. For children, dosage of 125 mg is generally recommended for proper weight gain while for adults, 250mg dosage is recommended once in early morning for better result in weight gain.
Yashtimadhu is a natural product which is made from very nutritious natural herbs and gives better result in improving the weak immunity system of its user. If you’re a person with weak immunity then you can easily increase your bodyweight along with your stamina by consuming 100mg of Yashtimadhu with high calorie diet. The herbs used in the manufacture of Yashtimadhu offers good hydration to the fluid inside the blood vessel too which in turn results in improving function of immune system. This natural herb also offers amazing strength to the bones and muscles of a person who consumes it regularly.
Annonna Squamosa
Annonna Squamosa or custard apple is a good ayurvedic product that is very helpful in increasing body weight with great speed. Annonna Squamosa is a natural product that promotes body weight and gives superb strength to the body muscles and bones. This fruit successfully counteracts anorexia and secretes the digestive gland which is responsible for promoting digestion process of its consumer. You only need to 1 custard apple daily after consuming high calorie diet so as to achieve fast weight gain.