5 Marvelous Homemade Coconut Shampoo You Should Try

5 Marvelous Homemade Coconut Shampoo You Should Try

What has happened to those glorified days, when your hair used to be the talk of the center and everybody just tipped their hat to your lustrous hair? True, you have enough on your plate, but hair care has to be given its due share so that it looks thick and attractive. If you are someone who just buys a new hair care product as soon as something hits the shelves, take a break now. Just imagine for a moment how best it would be to make a shampoo with one of the finest hair care ingredient ever known – The coconut oil and extracts. Wouldn’t it be fun to make one at home? Let’s try it out.

Coconut Oils are beneficial in controlling hair loss. It also minimizes sweating and can help in curbing dandruff. They also help retain the moisture. As a result, your scalp does not become dry and your hair stays shiny and lustrous for a longer period. Coconut extracts and Coconut oil also softens your hair and can prevent premature graying of your hair too in the long run. Let us look at some homemade coconut oil shampoo recipes for that radiant looking hair.

5 Marvelous Homemade Coconut Shampoo You Should Try:

1. Coconut And Aloe Vera Shampoo:

No matter what you condition your hair with, the pH balance of your hair should be maintained at all cost. This is one such shampoo that can provide that. Also, Aloe Vera gel when combined with coconut can also be beneficial in controlling dandruff and other fungus infections on your scalp.

Take a cup of coconut oil and mix it to ¾ cups of fresh Aloe Vera gel or juice. Now, add generous drops of lavender essential oil to the mix and refrigerate it for a day at least. The resulting mix would be thick and nonfoamy. Use this on your hair like how you would use your regular shampoo and massage. Rinse off well with lukewarm water.

Coconut and Aloe Vera Shampoo

2. Coconut And Honey Shampoo:

This is one of the best-balanced shampoos and has a host of ingredients that are beneficial for your hair and scalp. First mix 2 tablespoons of honey to a small cup of warm water. To this, add a cup of coconut oil, a cup of Aloe Vera Gel, few drops of rosemary essential oil and a teaspoon of avocado oil. Stir well to make it thick and store it a freezer. Use them after a few hours as a normal shampoo.

Make sure that you shake the bottle well before use as the ingredients might settle down. In case you want a foamy texture to the shampoo, you can add half a cup of liquid castile soap and mix well.

Coconut And Honey Shampoo

3. Coconut Milk And Olive Oil Shampoo:

Coconut milk nourishes your hair from the roots and gives it the much-needed enrichment from the tips. They are also full of proteins and nutrient that are beneficial for your hair irrespective of your hair type. This is also one of the easiest types of shampoos to make. You will need a cup of fresh coconut milk, half a cup of olive oil and hot water for rinsing.

Simply mix the oil and milk and store it in a fridge for some time and use them like a regular shampoo. The coconut milk can turn sticky- Hence use hot water for washing your hair. Use a mild conditioner if necessary.

Coconut Milk And Olive Oil Shampoo

4. Coconut Oil And Glycerin Shampoo:

Dandruff can put a good day off by phenomenal means and if you are at pains looking for a fine dandruff care, you can try this shampoo. First mix half a cup of coconut oil to ¼ cup of mild glycerin. In another cup mix up half a cup of coconut milk to half a cup of liquid soap (Any mild liquid soap available in the market would do). Once both are mixed well, bring them both together in a bowl and stir to make a fine mixture.

Add a few drops of Lavender essential oil for fragrance. There, your shampoo is ready to use and shake them well before using if you are storing it in a bottle for a long duration.

Coconut Oil and Glycerin Shampoo

5. Coconut Oil And Yogurt Shampoo:

Many times, your hair would be requiring a deep conditioner to nourish them from within. Often we end up with more chemical based products for achieving this. Look no further as you can give this homemade deep conditioner shampoo a shot. To make them, you will need quarter cup fresh coconut milk, 2 tablespoons raw honey, 2 tablespoons yogurt, 2 tablespoons coconut oil and few drops of lavender essential oil.

Mix all the ingredients except the lavender essential oil in a blender to form a fine paste. To the creamy mixture add some lavender essential oil and use them like a regular shampoo. Let it rest for some time in your scalp before rinsing. In case the yogurt feels sticky on your scalp, use a mild regular shampoo later.

Coconut Oil and Yogurt Shampoo