5 Best Vitamins To Treat High Blood Pressure


Vitamins To Treat High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the most common diseases found in adults. And it’s a fact that majority of the people won’t be able to notice or know that they have high blood pressure for years together. To control hypertension, one must adopt a different lifestyle and should take vitamins that can help to control high blood pressure.Treating high blood pressure is utmost important as it can cause severe damage to organs and can even increase the risk of heart stroke. Before taking the vitamins or supplements, consult your doctor to know the exact dosage that your body requires.

Top 5 Vitamins To Treat High Blood Pressure

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 To Reduce High Blood Pressure

Vitamin B6 is a water soluble compound which is a part of the vitamin B complex group. Vitamin B6 plays an important role in several metabolisms and is concerned with the synthesis of histamine and hemoglobin. It has been scientifically proven in a research that by consuming vitamin B6, one can reduce the rate of blood pressure gradually. Vitamin B6 can aid in better cognitive function and reduce the depression, although more evidences are required. Some of the major food sources of vitamin B6 are rice bran, pistachios, fishes, garlic, sesame seeds and hazelnuts.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C To Reduce High Blood Pressure

Vitamin C is one the essential vitamin required for various functions that take place in the body. Vitamin C can be used to lower the high blood pressure and prevent any kind of heart disease. According to the studies, by taking vitamin C supplements one can reduce the systolic an diastolic blood pressure that can help in treating hypertension. About 500 milligrams of vitamin C are required to reduce the blood pressure drastically, but consult your doctor for appropriate dosage. Vitamin C can be obtained from food sources like cauliflower, parsley, guavas, oranges, strawberries and kiwi fruits.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 To Reduce High Blood Pressure

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin is an essential micro-nutrient required for maintaining overall health. By consuming more amounts of vitamin B2, one can greatly lower the blood pressure those with genetic tendency, as concluded in a research. In-addition to this, vitamin B2 can be used to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease. The food sources that contain vitamin B2 are almonds, cheese, wheat bran, fishes, sesame seeds and paprika.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D To Reduce High Blood Pressure

Vitamin D is an important vitamin that helps in strengthening of bones and other essential functions. Lower levels of vitamin D have been associated with high blood pressure and even heart disease. About 600 IU of vitamin D is an optimum dosage to satisfy your body’s need. Although, sufficient amounts of vitamin D are obtained just by getting exposed to sunlight but if needed supplements can be taken. Vitamin D can be obtained from the following food sources like fishes, oysters, fortified cereals, eggs and mushrooms.

Folic Acid

Folic Acid To Reduce High Blood Pressure

Folic acid is a B complex vitamin that is very much important for red blood cells in the body. By consuming about 900 micro-grams of folic acid per day can significantly reduce the risk of developing hypertension to 45%. A diet rich in folic acid is essentially good for reducing high blood pressure. Folic acid along with vitamin B12 play an important role in the formation of blood cells. The food sources that contain folic acid include lentils, avocado, spinach, peanuts, parsley, black beans and walnuts.