
5 Best Natural Remedies For Stiff Neck


5 Best Natural Remedies For Stiff Neck

Stiff neck is a bothersome problem. It occurs when a muscle in the neck is strained. Inappropriate posture, especially while sleeping or while working for a prolonged period, and stress are some of the key causes of stiff neck. Although stiff neck usually does not indicate a serious underlying health problem, nevertheless, the pain can be quite unbearable at the initial stage. Fortunately, with the help of natural remedies you can easily get rid of the pain and stiffness in the neck.

Here Are Some Of The Best Natural Remedies For Stiff Neck:

Hot Compress

Applying hot compress to the neck stimulates blood circulation and reduces muscle spasm. Hold a heating pad or hot water bottle to the painful area for about 20 minutes. Similarly a warm shower can also provide relief from stiff neck.

Hot Compress

Cold Pack

While a hot compress works for some people, for others a cold pack helps in reducing the pain and stiffness. The cold pack helps in reducing the inflammation and promotes relaxation.

Cold Pack

Epsom Salt

Add a cup of Epsom salt to your bath water and soak your neck in the warm bath. This helps in reducing the inflammation and magnesium in Epsom salt helps in relaxing the tight neck muscle.

Epsom Salt

Eucalyptus Oil

Massaging the sore neck muscle with eucalyptus oil helps in reducing the pain and stiffness. The anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic properties of eucalyptus oil provide fast relief from the stiffness and pain in the neck.

Eucalyptus Oil


Exercising the neck reduces muscle tension. Tilting the head upwards and downwards and turning the head side to side help in reducing the pain and stiffness.
