5 Best Home Remedies For Hangover


A hangover consists of various and several unpleasant and extremely distressing symptoms which one experiences after consuming a lot of alcohol. If you happen to indulge in a night of heavy drinking then in the morning you are bound to have a whopping hangover. The most common symptoms are a splitting headache, acute nausea, lethargy, unnatural thirst, sensitivity to noise and light and a feeling of deep unhappiness. Besides these physical symptoms there are also psychological symptoms which one experiences such as nervous tensions, anxiety and depression after the intoxicating effects of the alcohol begin to wear off.


Alcohol contains an active ingredient known as ethanol. The body has to metabolize this ethanol and all its energies are diverted towards this task leaving the more important task of making glucose for the brain. As a result, the normal functions of the body are interrupted and disrupted and leads to the above mentioned symptoms. Ethanol is also a diuretic and can lead to dehydration.

Home Remedies For Hangover


Honey is an extremely simple and effective remedy for hangover. It is full of valuable nutrients and contains huge amounts of fructose which neutralizes the harmful effects of alcohol.Take a glass of warm water and stir in three teaspoons of honey into it. Drink this mixture after every hour. The fructose will help to metabolize the ethanol and at the same time it will keep the body’s reserves of energy intact.



Ginger is a time tested remedy for relieving hangovers. It provides instant relief in the nausea and headaches and alleviates the feeling of queasiness. It also helps in the digestion of alcohol and soothes the stomach from its harmful effects.Boil one glass of water and add one heaped teaspoon of grated ginger to it. Simmer for three minutes then strain the tea. Mix in two teaspoons of honey and drink this tea frequently throughout the day.



Lemons are always available in the house and they work wonders in getting rid of hangovers. They are full of antioxidants which instantly remove all the harmful toxins from the body and detoxify it thoroughly.The citric acid found in lemons neutralizes the effect of alcohol and helps the body to regain its normal functions quickly. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a glass of warm water and drink this mixture three or four times during the day. The symptoms of your hangover will begin to vanish rapidly.



Boil a cup of water and add six fresh peppermint leaves to it. Cover the cup and allow the tea to stand for ten minutes then strain it drink several cups of it at short intervals. Peppermint will remove all the toxins from the stomach and will relieve the nausea rapidly.



Eat ripe bananas at frequent intervals. Bananas are full of vital nutrients which provide instant energy to the body and negate the effects of the alcohol. They also have a soothing effect on the stomach and replenish the sugar and potassium that are lost during a hangover.
