5 Best Diets To Treat Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an immune mediated chronic skin disorder that causes skin cells to grow rapidly and results in the formation of plaques of thickened, scaling skin. A long term, chronic skin condition, psoriasis improves and worsens periodically. Psoriasis which affects individuals of both sexes and all races can either be a mild and treatable condition or it can be severe, incurable skin disorder which affects the whole body.

Individuals with psoriasis have a heightened risk of suffering from other dangerous disease conditions including heart disease and diabetes. Treatment options available for this particular skin condition primarily depends on the severity of the problem. Medical research has shown that simple dietary modifications can to large extent control psoriasis flare-ups. Some dietary options to manage psoriasis are discussed below.

Best Diets to Treat Psoriasis

Fatty Fish

Individuals with psoriasis should incorporate fatty fish like trout, salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna and albacore into their daily diet plan. Fatty fish are rich sources of essential fatty acids like Omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids can to a large extent reduce inflammation through out the body and prevent psoriasis flare-ups.Furthermore, since people with psoriasis have a heightened risk of suffering from heart diseases, it becomes all the more important to incorporate anti–inflammatory foods like fatty fish into the diet. Ideally, people with psoriasis should eat fatty fish at least twice a week.

Brazil Nuts

If you suffer from chronic psoriasis, then you should definitely eat plenty of Brazil nuts. Brazil nuts are rich sources of the micro nutrient selenium. People with psoriasis have lower levels of selenium in their bodies, than individuals who do not suffer from this chronic skin disorder.Selenium is vital for the production of an enzyme called glutathione peroxide. This particular enzyme is needed to stop the production of leukotrienes – which are eicosanoid inflammatory mediators. Increased presence of leukotrienes in the body can cause psoriatic flare ups.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Psoriasis sufferers should eat plenty of green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, turnip greens and romaine lettuce. Green leafy vegetables are excellent dietary sources of folate or folacin, the natural form of folic acid. The symptoms associated with psoriasis are exacerbated in individuals with low serum folate levels. So, to improve serum folate levels, and to prevent psoriatic flare ups, include plenty of green leafy vegetables into the diet.

Whole Grains

Whole grains like brown rice, oats, barley and rye are rich sources of dietary fiber. Individuals with psoriasis should increase their intake of fiber rich foods like whole grains (except wheat) to maintain a healthy digestive system. Medical research has indicated that a sluggish digestive system can cause an accumulation of toxins in the body. A sudden spike in the levels of harmful toxins in the body can aggravate the problem of psoriasis. So, to eliminate toxins from the body and prevent psoriatic flare-ups eat nutritious foods prepared from whole grains.

Individuals with psoriasis may suffer from extreme zinc deficiency as well. Whole grain foods which are loaded with zinc can help to prevent zinc deficiency among patients having psoriasis.


People diagnosed with chronic psoriasis should be encouraged to eat two to three cloves of raw garlic every day. Raw garlic is a rich source of vitamin C, as also the micro-nutrient selenium. Selenium and vitamin C can help to maintain healthy skin cells.Furthermore, eating raw garlic pods can inhibit the production of a specific enzyme called lipoxygenase. This particular enzyme combines with other enzymes and can cause chronic inflammation in the body, besides aggravating the problem of psoriasis.

Lakshmi Unny Nair:
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