5 Benefits Of Vitamin E Oil For Skin



Most of us know that vitamin E oil is beneficial for skin in general but probably very few of us can actually tell the uses and benefits of vitamin E oil on skin. Vitamin E oil is extremely beneficial for our skin because it is an antioxidant and helps in repairing skin from damage caused by sun exposure, pollution, stress, etc.

Regular topical application of vitamin E produces good results. Many creams and lotions contain vitamin E, especially, those meant for dry skin or for reversing aging signs. If you want to use pure vitamin E oil or want to mix it in some creams or oils then you can buy the capsules available in market and cut the capsules to extract oil.

Benefits Of Vitamin E Oil For Skin

For Dry Skin

Vitamin E helps in retaining moisture in the skin by preventing water loss and helps in restoring oil balance in skin. People with dry skin are often recommended using almond oil on their skin because almond oil contains ample amount of vitamin E. You can also mix pure vitamin E oil in regular creams and lotions for making them more effective for your dry skin.

 Dry Skin

For Reducing Wrinkles And Fine Lines

Some people begin to experience signs of aging quite early in their life. It happens due to wrong eating habits, excessive smoking, alcoholism and wrong life style. Topical application of vitamin E rich oil like almond oil promotes production of two skin components – elastin and collagen. These components help in increasing skin elasticity and promote younger looking skin. It also blocks free radical damage in the skin and helps in making skin look younger and beautiful.

For Reducing Wrinkles And Fine Lines

For Sunburns

Minor sunburns can be easily treated with vitamin E. Many sunscreens available in the market are packed with vitamin E. Vitamin E rich oil quickly gets absorbed in the skin, moisturizes it and helps in relieving pain caused by sunburn. You can also use it as a preventive measure against sun.

For Sunburns

Helps Lightening Scars/Spots

Vitamin E also helps in lightening brown spots or scars on your face. This vitamin actually helps in regeneration of new skin cells and hence is useful in removing the spots/scars. Regular application helps in softening the skin and lightening of the scars from the face. Though vitamin E oil is effective in lightening brown spots and scars but it may not be very useful in lightening surgical scars.

Helps Lightening Scars Spots

Reducing Stretch Marks

Vitamin E oil is very effective in reducing stretch marks from your abdomen while pregnant. Start using vitamin E enriched oil as soon as your abdomen starts expanding. It will not only help in reducing stretch marks but will also relieve you from constant itching.Pure vitamin E oil is very thick and may not come handy while using for skin. You can either use pure almond oil or mix thick vitamin E oil in some other base cream or lotion for best results.

Reducing Stretch Marks