
5 Amazing Health Benefits Of Brown Rice


5 Amazing Health Benefits Of Brown Rice

Loaded with complex carbohydrate, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, brown rice is a superfood. It contains all the nutrients that are lost from white rice during the milling process when the bran and husk layers are removed from paddy. Brown rice, apart from meeting a significant part of your optimum calorie need, supplies an array of essential nutrients including manganese, selenium, magnesium, copper, phosphorous and vitamins B1, B3 and B6 that help in improving the overall quality of your health.

Here Are The Main Reasons Why Brown Rice Is Good For The Health:

Antioxidant Protection

Brown rice contains selenium and manganese, minerals that are essential for production of the antioxidant enzymes. Antioxidants protect your body cells from the scavenging activities of free radicals that damage the body cells and increase risk of chronic illnesses.

Antioxidant Protection

Weight Management

Studies have shown that people who eat brown rice weigh less than people who eat white rice or refined grain products.

Weight Management

Stabilizes Blood Sugar

The complex carbohydrate in brown rice is digested slowly. Hence, adding brown rice to a meal helps in maintaining a steady supply of sugar, which is essential for preventing abnormal rise in the blood sugar level.

Stabilizes Blood Sugar

Source Of Fiber

Brown rice is an excellent source of dietary fibers. Dietary fibers help in detoxification and can reduce risk of colon cancer.

Source Of Fiber

Good For Heart

The oil in brown rice helps in lowering the LDL or bad cholesterol level. Low LDL cholesterol level decreases risk of coronary artery disease. Moreover, brown rice contains magnesium, B vitamins and fiber that help in maintaining the normal functioning of the heart.

Good For Heart