4 Herbal Remedies To Treat Anorexia


It is characterized by loss of appetite or lack of desire to eat. Yes, we are talking about anorexia. It takes place when an individual lacks to interest in food which gradually leads to weight loss, fatigue and weakness, affecting your ability to perform normal activities. Side effects of certain medicines also may cause anorexia. Sometimes, it is more difficult to please children than an adult in terms of food. There are numbers of medicinal plants that can be used for anorexia treatment.

Here Are 4 Herbal Remedies To Treat Anorexia:

Cuminum Cyminum

This is a dried seed from family Apiaceae. It is a proven appetizer and is also beneficial in digestive disorders like indigestion, dyspepsia, colic, flatulence, etc. It reduces superficial inflammation and also acts as a blood purifier.

Cuminum Cyminum

Pylanthus Embilica

It is a traditional Indian medicine, which belongs to family Euphorbiaciae. It is rich in natural vitamin C and offer powerful antioxidant property, boosts immunity, and rejuvenates all body system. It enhances digestion and relives constipation and purifies blood. Amla tonic is a heamtinic and has lipoltic property and is useful in scurvy, jaundice, etc. It prevents indigestion and controls acidity. It also has natural anti-aging property.

Pylanthus Embilica

Picrorhia Kurraa

Kutki belongs to family surophulariaceae. It is better for carminative, digestant, appetite stimulant laxative, stimulates secretion of bile from liver and maintains healthy liver function. It has a cardiotonic, antipyretic, anthelmic and antioxidant property. It is also used in diabetes, jaundice, and blood purifier, hepatomegaly, and spleen disorder and skin problems. Kutki is also useful in abnormal urinary discharge, hiccup, burning sensation, leucoderma, and jaundice. It is also beneficial in bronchial asthma.

Picrorhia Kurraa

Cyprus Cordifollia

It belongs to family merispermaceae. It improves digestion, acts as anti- inflammatory agent, removes worms from the GI tract, helps in uterine contraction and provides strength to the body.

Cyprus Cordifollia