4 Effective Essential Oil Treatment For Head Lice


Essential Oil Treatment For Head Lice Head lice, also known as hair lice and nits, are very annoying little insects which infest the hair. They attach themselves close to the scalp and keep hatching every seven days. The lice lay eggs and keep feeding on your blood. Needless to say, you need to get rid of them fast! They multiply in number quickly and spread from person to person.

You know this well if you have a school-going child at home. You detest those lice on the child’s head and keep thinking of ways to get rid of the lice and their eggs. Don’t worry; essential oils are here for your rescue. They are an excellent way of dealing with the head lice.

Essential Oils Used To kill Lice

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil Used To Kill Lice Tea tree oil is a natural essential oil which is used effectively in treating the head lice infestation. Its antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties are very beneficial in getting rid of the lice. Tea tree oil is very strong, so dilute a drop of it with some olive oil. Take a cotton ball and dip it into this mixture.Apply all over your scalp. Keep this on for at least twelve hours and then wash your hair well. Repeat this treatment at least thrice a week in the beginning and then once a week after that, in order to get rid of the lice completely.

Neem Oil

Neem Oil Used To Kill Lice The seed kernels of the neem tree are pressed and oil is extracted from them. Neem oil is very bitter and has a sulphur smell. It contains various compounds that possess insecticidal and medicinal properties. The compound ‘salannin’ in neem extracts is very effective as an insect repellent and helps kill the head lice.Dilute a few drops of neem oil with some lighter oil like olive oil and dab this mixture on your scalp with the help of a cotton ball. Repeat this treatment at least twice a week for a month. This will help you get rid of the head lice completely.

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus Oil Used To Kill Lice Eucalyptus oil is colorless and has a strong, distinctive odor. It is extracted from fresh leaves of the eucalyptus tree. Eucalyptus oil has effective antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It contains compounds that help destroy insects. Use it regularly in order to get rid of the head lice.You can mix a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil in your regular shampoo and wash your scalp well with it. This is an easy way to kill these annoying pests. Add a few drops of this oil to your bath water and wash your hair with this regularly. This prevents reinfestation with head lice.

Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium Essential Oil Used To Kill Lice Geranium is well known for its broad range of therapeutic applications. Geranium essential oil is used popularly as an insecticide that kills the head lice. Massage it into your hair and scalp at bedtime and remove the dead lice in the morning with the help of a lice comb.It is a milder essential oil that has a nice fragrance. Use it every night till you get rid of the head lice completely. Alternately, you can add a few drops of geranium essential oil to your regular shampoo and use it regularly to eliminate the lice completely.

4 Effective Essential Oil Treatment For Head Lice