13 Spices And Herbs To Treat Arthritis


13 Spices And Herbs To Treat Arthritis

Arthritis is a problem that is accompanied with a lot of pain along with inflammation in the joints. Be it the arthritis of your hand, legs or any other area, the pain can be rather excruciating. After a point, too much of medication too is not suggested but there are some spices and herbs that can help you reduce the symptoms of this problem along with alleviating the pain and inflammation

13 Spices And Herbs To Treat Arthritis


This is one of the best spices to be consumed in your everyday diet for getting relief from arthritis. It has been seen that turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties along with being antibacterial too. This in turn prevents swelling of the area and reduces any risks of internal infection too. Consume more of turmeric in your diet or even heat up turmeric and apply as a paste on the arthritis areas.



Like turmeric, garlic too is known for its many anti-inflammatory properties and pain relief. Ideally you should consume 2 garlic cloves on an empty stomach to get relief from arthritis pain. You can also apply garlic juice mixed with hot oil over the area to get relief from pain.



Commonly found in most homes, cinnamon is a herb that is best known for reducing pain. It is also known to help increase the strength of the body so that you can bear pain better. Mix 1/2 spoon of cinnamon with 1 spoon of honey and consume the same everyday.



Another popular ingredient from the rack would be ginger. This herb is available in fresh and dried forms and can be consumed for reducing pain and anti-inflammatory benefits. Consume ginger in forms of teas, in salads or even mixed with honey to get relief from the symptoms of arthritis.


Green Tea

A quick and easy fix for arthritis pain would be a hot cup of green tea. Rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, this herb helps in increasing overall response of the body towards the disease. Consume at least 2 cups of tea a day. Also, since it aids in weight loss, green tea helps in easing pressure from the knees.

Green Tea

Licorice Root

This is another herb that can be consumed in the form of tea. There are natural corticosteroids in licorice roots, which is known to reduce inflammation. It also helps in getting rid of free-radical damage that is the root cause of inflammation and pain. Crush the roots and heat them in water. Once boiled, strain the juices and drink the hot tea.

Licorice Root


An awesome spice that really helps in reducing the pain caused by arthritis would be clove. They are known for their anti-inflammatory properties along with providing a numbing effect on the area. You can consume a raw clove daily to get respite. Alternatively, you can also use clove oil or the extract and heat it up. Then apply on the affected area to get respite.


Cayenne Pepper

Another amazing spice that is known for reducing the pain caused by arthritis is cayenne pepper. The pepper too contains healing properties along with being anti-inflammatory. Cayenne pepper aids in weight loss too, which in particular is beneficial for arthritis in the knees. Have more of cayenne pepper in your foods everyday to get respite.

Cayenne Pepper

Black Pepper

Often known as the king of spices, black pepper too is rich in anti-inflammatory properties like the cayenne pepper. You should try to have one small spoon of this pepper along with one big spoon of honey on an everyday basis for getting relief from arthritis pain and symptoms.

Black Pepper

Stinging Nettle

Rich in different kinds of minerals that strengthen the bone along with being anti-inflammatory, stinging nettle tea in particular is highly beneficial for weight loss. Have a cup of stinging nettle tea everyday before retiring to bed. This eases pain.

Stinging Nettle

Willow Bark

This herb is very rich in a chemical called salicin that doubles as an analgesic. For using this remedy, add one spoon of the dire herb to a cup of boiling water. Boil for about 10 minutes and then strain and drink. Have twice a day.

Willow Bark

Aloe Vera

A quick and easily found herb for treating arthritis would be aloe vera. For using this herb, just take the gel of the plant and heat it up with some turmeric. Apply it on the affected areas for relief. You can also try and consume aloe vera on an empty stomach. This aids in reducing internal pain along with soothing inflammation due to arthritis.

Aloe Vera


This is a popular herb that contains tannins, which aid in pain reduction. You can find the fresh herb and boil it. Then compress the affected area with the same. Along with this, you can also get eucalyptus oil and rub the joints with it to reduce swelling and pain.

Eucalyptus Oil