10 Side Effects of Fenugreek Seeds

10 Side Effects of Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek, known for its numerous health benefits have been since long associated with cooking in the Asian and Middle Eastern regions and finds its uses in Ayurveda and in Indian kitchens as well. Used as an herb, spice and even as a vegetable, fenugreek is used in various form for its health benefits to get utilized. However, like any other thing which has good benefits, it has its share of side effects too. The most extensive use is for the fenugreek seeds which are the spice form of it.

Some Of The Side Effects Of Fenugreek Seeds Are Discussed Below:

Effects On Diabetic Patients

Fenugreek, which otherwise is loaded with health benefits is not advisable for patients who have diabetes. This is due to the fact that fenugreeks can interfere with blood sugar levels in human body and can cause low blood sugar condition as well, better known as hypoglycemia.

Effects On Diabetic Patients

Effects On Men

It is advised that the consumption of fenugreek should be limited in men who suffer from asthma as it has been seen that consumption of fenugreek increased breathing troubles in the male gender. Similar to this, a man suffering from thyroid issues should also check the consumption too as it has been seen that fenugreek consumption has resulted into thyroid dysfunctions in them as well.

Effects On Men

Not Advised For Pregnant Women

Due to the fact that fenugreek contains oxytocin, which helps in stimulating uterine contraction in women, it is advisable to avoid fenugreek consumption in pregnancy. The uterine stimulating property can bring on an early labor pain in woman causing further complications.

Not Advised For Pregnant Women

Odor issues

Consumption of fenugreek in diet or as supplements actually bring an odor to the body and the urine like that of a maple syrup. This sweet smell usually irritates people in the long run.

odor issue

Brain Damage & Seizures

Fenugreek has been seen to impact in lowering the blood sugar levels in humans irrespective of being diabetic or not and has been seen to cause serious issues like seizures, brain damage and death in certain severe cases as well. This conditions are brought about by inadequate glucose supply reaching the brain.

Brain Damage & Seizures

Unsafe For Children

It has been seen that consumption of fenugreek tea has caused in lack of consciousness in children and thus is advisable to stop the consumption of supplements and give fenugreek in limited quantities in the food prepared instead.

Unsafe For Children

Interations With Prescription Drugs

Fenugreeks have been seen to interfere in the activities of prescription drugs like anticoagulants and other drugs which are taken orally due to its fibrous properties which may block the way for the drugs to act. Thus it is highly advisable to consult the doctor about the fenugreek consumption levels.

Interations With Prescription Drugs

Gastrointestinal Effects

High dosage consumption of fenugreek seeds or its supplements have been seen to increase the side effects in the gastrointestinal system of the human body. Some of the side effects caused by the consumption of fenugreek seeds to a great level are stomach upset, gas, nausea and bloating too. In some severe cases, the side effects have been seen to be spreading into adnominal cramps and diarrhea as well.

Gastrointestinal effects

May Cause Allergic Reactions

Consumption of fenugreek seeds can also cause allergies in certain humans as well due to it belonging to the peanut and chickpea genus. Some of the common side effects of having fenugreek in those who are allergic to it are hives, fainting, breathlessness and rashes on the skin as well. It is thus advised to stop the consumption of fenugreek leaves or its supplements if one is allergic to it to avoid further trouble.

May Cause Allergic Reactions

Effects On Mothers And Babies

Another side effect of fenugreek seeds is that it may cause the issue of loose motion in new mothers and in their breastfeeding babies too. Loose motion can easily be transferred from the mother to the baby while breast feeding and can cause severe dehydration issues in the babies in the long run. Thus it is advised to stop the consumption of fenugreek in any of these conditions.

Effects On Mothers And Babies