10 Best Food For Healthy Skin


It is a proven fact that what we eat reflects on our complexion. Every person likes to have a blemish free and radiant skin and our diet really matters. There are several cosmetic products which give you an instant glow but it can have harmful side effects. Therefore getting a healthy skin naturally is important.

Below Are Some Good Foods Which Is Essential For Healthy Skin


Strawberry is rich in anti-oxidants and has a high content of Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps in fighting against free radicals and keeps your skin healthy. You can eat strawberries daily or prepare a mask of strawberry. Blend few strawberries and add yogurt to it, apply it on your skin. Keep it for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water. Apply this pack at least twice in a week for a soft and healthy skin.



Oatmeal is rich in fibre and is the most unprocessed form of food. It reduces the formation of certain hormones in the body which contributes to wrinkles and aging. Take half cup of oatmeal and soak in water for half an hour. Add milk to it and some cut fruits. This is a very healthy breakfast and can be consumed regularly for a healthy skin.



Watermelon improves skin elasticity. Eating 2-3 watermelon in a week keeps your skin hydrated and nourished. Cut slices of watermelon and sprinkle black salt on it and eat it directly. You can also prepare watermelon juice without sugar. This keeps your skin healthy.



Orange is a citrus fruit and is rich in Vitamin C which is good for the skin. It is a seasonal fruit and must be consumed in abundance when available. It keeps you nourished throughout the day. Eat 1-2 oranges every day for a healthy and glowing skin. You can drink a glass of orange juice as well. Also you can make a paste of the orange peel, adds a pinch of turmeric to it and apply it on your skin to reduce wrinkles and leaving behind a toned skin.



One of the reasons why the skin looks dull and loses its charm is that oil content reduces in our skin with age. Hence to supplement it salmon is the best option. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acid and can be eaten either by teaming it or by frying the fish. Include salmon in your diet at least once a week for a healthy skin.



Eggs are rich in protein and helps in repairing tissues of the skin. Include eggs in your diet regularly to have a healthy skin. You can eat boiled eggs or scrambled eggs with salad and eat them regularly. Prepare hardboiled eggs and eat it with brown bread. You can also apply the egg white to your skin. It acts as a natural toner for your skin. Also you can make a pack with the egg white which nourishes your skin and keeps it healthy.


Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate keeps your skin hydrated as it is rich in cocoa. Also it protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays which makes your skin look dull and darker. Eat lot of dark chocolates or melt dark chocolates in a tumbler and massage it on the face. It is good to have a facial with dark chocolates which keeps your skin healthy.

Dark Chocolate


Walnut is rich in omega-3 fatty acid. It also contains minerals such as copper which produces collagen in the body. Munch few walnuts everyday to keep your skin healthy. It also nourishes your skin. You can also ground some walnuts and exfoliate your face daily to keep it healthy and glowing. Also you can eat dry fruits and nuts such as almonds, cashew nuts etc. in a limited quantity to give you fresh and younger looking skin.



Avocado provides a flawless skin as it is rich in Vitamin A and E. Also it is rich in copper and iron. Eat avocadoes regularly to get a youthful skin. Cut slices of avocado into small pieces and add few drops of honey to it and eat it once or twice daily. Honey moisturises the skin naturally and keeps it hydrated. This combination is great for a healthy skin.


Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower has a high content of essential fatty acid and is good for the skin. It is rich in Vitamin E which makes your skin healthy and glowing. Roast sunflower seeds and eat a quarter cup of it regularly. It is very healthy for people with dry skin as it provides natural oil for parched skin and lips.

Sunflower Seeds