
Women Friendly Vitamins And Minerals


Women Friendly Vitamins And Minerals

Vitamins and Minerals are the vital substances needed by your body to maintain immunity system, growth and development of the same throughout the life.

Though a healthy balanced diet is endowed with all the necessary organic and inorganic elements, yet you need to have some specific Vitamins and Minerals in different stages of the life for the efficient functioning of the organs and to avoid severe health problems. Make your meals more nutritious by including these essential women friendly nutrients:

Vitamins and Minerals that Women Really Need

Vitamin A

The best source of all carotenoids and retinol for healthy eyes and immunity system, Vitamin A deactivates the free radicals and protects cells. It slows down the signs of aging as well as the risk of heart disease.

Vitamin A

The best beta-carotene sources are carrots, pumpkins, apricots and leafy vegetables.

Vitamin B Complex

All Vitamin B6, B9 and B12 are metabolism booster vitamins, which also help in toning muscles and mind. Women of all ages require sufficient amount of B6 and B12 for the formation of protein and particularly, young women need folic acid (B9) during pregnancy for the healthy growth of child.

Vitamin B Complex

These vitamins are easily available from dairy products, leafy vegetables, eggs, beans, legumes and seeds and whole grains.

Vitamin C

The antioxidant property of Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C facilitates the healing process by forming new collagen. It also helps in preventing heart ailments and prenatal troubles.

Vitamin C

All citrus fruits, guavas, grapefruits and broccoli provide the essential amount of Vitamin C required by the body

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is known as a wonder vitamin for females. It is recommended for reducing the chances of ovarian and breast cancer in women. This vitamin absorbs calcium deposits in the body and, thereby maintains healthy bones and muscles in the body.

Vitamin D

Osteoporosis, one of the major bone problems in women, can be avoided by the sufficient amount of Vitamin D. Milk, juices, fish and exposure to early morning sunlight are enough for the body to make its own supply of Vitamin D.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is called the beauty vitamin for its role in maintaining the growth of nails and hair. It keeps wrinkles and other sign of aging away.

Vitamin E

Cod liver oil, sunflower oil, butter, nuts and wheat germ are some of the sources of Vitamin E, which help in the formation of red blood cells in the body.


Strong bones and healthy teeth are two major contributions of Calcium to the body. Women are the most sufferers of less bone density problems due to their physiology and child bearing capacity.


They need a constant supply of Calcium through milk and other dairy products for their whole life.


Anemia and poor immune system are always the result of deficiency of Iron in the body. Women need it, particularly, during child birth and heavy periods. Cereals, meat and dark green leafy vegetables are reliable sources of getting Iron for the body.



Zinc is another women friendly mineral, required for protecting the skin and maintaining senses of the body. It also helps in preventing PMS syndromes. Zinc can be sourced out from beans, nuts, seeds and meat.


These are some of the fundamental Vitamins and Minerals required for a woman’s body to function properly. Always ensure that you are getting the enough proportion of the same through dietary habits or extra supplements to stay away from serious health issues.