5 Top Herbal Remedies For Common Digestive Disorders

Common digestive disorders like gastritis, constipation, flatulence, diarrhoea etc can really bother a person and disrupt a regular lifestyle. While most of these problems are related to the food you eat and your lifestyle some problems like peptic ulcers and diarrhoea are also caused due to infection.

Although the treatment of digestive problems depends on the specific problem you are facing, there are some treatments that strengthen the digestive system in general and prevent the causes of various digestive problems. These treatments are in the form of herbal remedies for common digestive disorders which are better than over the counter or even prescription medicines. These herbal remedies stimulate or relax the digestive system as required and some even kill the harmful bacteria.

Herbal Remedies For Common Digestive Disorders

Aloe Vera

Drinking fresh Aloe Vera juice everyday is excellent for maintaining the health of the digestive system. This juice is very rich in minerals, vitamins and other necessary nutrients.

Drinking this juice on an empty stomach everyday will relieve constipation, diarrhoea and many other gastrointestinal disorders. Aloe Vera juice is easily available in health food stores and sometimes even supermarkets.


This is really a wonder herb and is excellent for digestion. It is extremely helpful in cases of indigestion as it stimulates the digestive system. It is particularly useful to control nausea and vomiting.

For consuming ginger the best way to do so is in the form of a tea which can be made by boiling crushed ginger in some water and allowing it to steep and cool. Add some sugar for taste and drink this tea when lukewarm as one of the herbal remedies for common digestive disorders.

Lemon Balm, Chamomile, Rosemary And Peppermint

Make an infusion of these herbs in warm water and steep for 10 minutes. Strain the water and drink it.

This concoction should be consumed three times a day for best results and is extremely useful in a number of digestive problems. All the herbs used in this remedy are well known on their own for their medicinal properties and are used for the treatment of various disorders.

Black Cohosh, Dandelion

Other digestive stimulants are essentially the bitter herbs like black cohosh, angelica, dandelion, skullcap and yarrow. You should consume one cup of the tea of one or many of these herbs if you want to maintain a healthy digestive system. Dandelion is one of the most popular herbs for the digestive system and is easily available in the form of weeds in your own garden.

The active substance in this herb is taraxacin. Although juniper is not a bitter herb it is known to increase the secretions in the stomach and hence acts as one of the herbal remedies for common digestive disorders.

Demulcent Herbs Like Marshmallow And Mullein

These herbs have demulcent properties, which mean that they coat the digestive tract from the inside and soothe and lubricate it. Marshmallow, mullein and oats are excellent herbs when it comes to demulcent properties. Marshmallow and mullein can be consumed in the form of teas while you can eat oats as regular oatmeal.

Joyeeta Bose:
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