5 Effective Vitamins To Treat Allergies

Allergies are very common among many people and nowadays they have become so very common that people have started living with the allergies. Medicines are considered to be the best means to treat allergies but there are some very effective vitamins to treat allergies that can also be used because these vitamins make up for great alternatives to the medicines that people take.

It is always important to take in vitamins to cure the allergies from their very roots but sometimes it is found that the vitamins do not cure the allergies completely but they can serve to be great in the field of healing the discomfort. The main vitamins that can be taken for the treatment of allergies are as follows:

5 Vitamins For Curing Allergies

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is a vitamin that is considered to be very effective for people who suffer from allergies of the nose and rhinitis. Pantothenic acid is the most common form of vitamin B5 that can be taken for instant relief and it can also help in retarding the secretion of mucus and cough for at least twelve hours in case of nasal allergies.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also considered as the most effective of the vitamins to treat allergies because it brings about a great reduction in the production of histamine inside the body. There are various allergic reactions that are considered to be life threatening and the best way to heal these reactions can be the intake of vitamin C that can retard the reaction of allergies that are caused by bites and stings and asthma. Seasonal allergies can also be treated very effectively by the use of vitamin C and is considered to be very beneficial for the entire health of an individual.

Vitamin B15

Muscle fatigue is reduced to a great extent by the intake of vitamin B15 and at the same time it is also found that vitamin B15 is very helpful in increasing the endurance of an individual to several kinds of allergies.It is very important to take in vitamin B15 from time to time because it can have great effect in healing the allergic reactions that an individual needs to suffer from.


Copper is also a vitamin which is known as Chelate amino acid and has a great role to play in T cells formation. Super oxide dismutase is basically an antioxidant that helps in fighting off the damage caused to the mitochondria which is considered to be the portion that helps in the production of energy.Copper is a very important supplement of this antioxidant and therefore it is very important for people suffering from allergies to take some copper.


Selenium is also said to help in the protection of cell membranes and at the same time it also stimulates the immune function of the body and this automatically helps in getting rid of allergies.The coenzymes are produced by the body by taking the help of selenium and it also aids in the proper functioning of the vitamin C that is taken by the body in order to fight allergies. It is only because of these reasons that selenium is considered to be one of the most important vitamins to treat allergies.

Joyeeta Bose:
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