9 Health Benefits Of Velvet Apple

9 Health Benefits Of Velvet Apple

A lot of health problems are a direct result of our daily life style and eating habits. It is very important to include all the natural food items in the routine in order to get the benefits but then isn’t it would be great if you get a lot of benefits by including only a single food item. Velvet apples are rich in a number of useful nutrients are very beneficial for boosting the overall health. Here are the top health benefits that you get by including velvet apples to your daily routine.

Cures Hypertension

Due to the daily stressed out life a lot of people suffer from the problem of hyper tension but thanks to the potassium content of velvet apples that help that helps in controlling the stress and cures hyper tension.

Cures Hypertension

Regulates Cholesterol

The fibre present in velvet apple is very beneficial in regulating the level of cholesterol in the body. Regular consumption of velvet apples helps in preventing blood clots and boosts the health of heart.

Regulates Cholesterol

Treats Respiratory Problems

Velvet apples are very rich in vitamin C that acts as an immunity booster. Daily intake of velvet apples helps in treating the respiratory problems like cold, cough, asthma, chest and nasal congestion very effectively.

Treats Respiratory Problems

Improves Blood Circulation

Regular consumption of velvet apples is very useful in improving the overall blood circulation which in turn provides proper oxygen to all the body organs.

Improves Blood Circulation

Increase Haemoglobin Level

The rich iron content of velvet apples is very helpful in improving the haemoglobin level in the body which in turn helps in stimulating the RBC count. Therefore if you are suffering from anemia then it would be highly recommended to add velvet apples to your routine.

Increase Haemoglobin Level

Improves Immunity

Velvet apples are a rich source of useful and powerful anti oxidants. Moreover the vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin C help in preventing the free radical damage in the body and improve the overall immunity.

Improves Immunity

Prevents Aging

The vitamin A present in velvet apples is very effective in treating the problem of skin aging. It helps in treating the problem of wrinkles, fine lines, spots and slows down the aging of skin. Not only this, it helps in adding glow to your skin and makes you beautiful.

Prevents Aging

Improves Digestive Health

The fibre and roughage present in velvet apples are very effective in treating digestive problems like diarrhoea, dysentery, constipation etc very effectively.

Improves Digestive Health

Treats Skin Irritation

Velvet apples are very effective in treating skin problems like skin inflammation, itching and irritation. All you need is to apply mashed velvet apple over the affected areas to get relief.

Treats Skin Irritation