6 Ways To Get Rid Of Scalp Acne

Are you averse to combing your hair? Does the very thought of brushing your hair leave you with nightmares about the pain you might endure? Do you even avoid going to the spa as you feel awkward to tell the therapist that you have a certain condition? Well, you are not alone, and the answer to your entire predicament can be because of a tiny little culprit that hides in your hair – The scalp acne. Getting the acne in your face can be troublesome enough, but getting the same on your scalp can be an endurance test for you. You might even hesitate to brush your hair freely as there are chances that the brush can hit the scalp causing a sharp pain. Also, scalp acne proves the symptoms of over oil secretion by your follicles which are not a sign of good health in the long run. Some acne can quickly disappear on its own while others can get adamant and can stay for a longer period. You can opt for multiple treatment options at a spa or with your doctor, but nothing comes near the natural ways by which you can avoid these acnes and control their spread. Let us take a quick look at few of the ways by which scalp acne can be managed.

6 Ways To Control Scalp Acne:

1. Turmeric

Turmeric has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties in it. They are enriched with a compound known as curcumin that can be very beneficial in the fight against acne. Have some turmeric powder mixed with water and apply it as a paste to your scalp. However, for even better results you take half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix it with a tablespoon of olive oil or coconut oil and apply it directly to the affected areas in your scalp. You can leave this set up for about 20 minutes and rinse well with warm water. You can later on shampoo to remove the yellow stains.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel not only helps in keeping the spread of bacteria but also helps in preventing the infections caused by them.  They are also very beneficial for reducing the inflammation caused by the pores and promote healing. Mix half a cup of Aloe Vera with few droplets of lemon juice. Mash well and apply this paste directly in the affected areas. Wait for about 30 minutes and rinse well with warm water. You can do this procedure daily for the best results.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider vinegars are loaded with compounds that cleanse your hair naturally. Acne is caused predominantly by clogged pores blocked skin tissues. Apple Cider Vinegar has both antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can help in clearing hair follicles and reduces the oil quotient on your scalp. Mix quarter cup of apple cider vinegar with a quarter cup of lukewarm water. Rinse your hair with this water and after some time rinse well with normal water. You can do this procedure every time you shampoo your hair.

4. Tomato Juice

Sebum is also one of the principal causes of scalp acne. Tomatoes are brilliant sources of salicylic acid that help in the reduction of sebum-thereby reducing the symptoms of scalp acne. You can apply tomato juice directly to your scalp. For even better quality results, you can mix a small cup of tomato juice to few droplets of lemon juice and a few drops of honey. Using a soft cloth or a cotton ball this mixture directly on the affected area and let it spread for some time. After some 10 minutes, wash the area completely dry. Use a mild conditioner if needed as tomato juice can turn sticky sometimes.

5. Hibiscus

Many hair treatments nowadays use the help of hibiscus flowers/leaves as an active ingredient. However, not many people know that hibiscus can also act as a coolant and can assist in maintaining the body temperatures. Crush or grind the hibiscus flowers and apply it naturally as a mask to your scalp. You can even mix the hibiscus powder to some drops of lemon and apply them. Leave it to rest for about 30 minutes and rinse well. A mild conditioner can be used if necessary.

6. Garlic

Garlic’s properties regarding your health are well known. However, garlic has a usage in taking care of your scalp acnes. They are loaded with antibacterial and antioxidant properties that can work on your acne from within and can be very beneficial in reducing the pores by dropping the inflammation levels. You can use garlic oil directly, or you can crush and grind few garlic pieces and apply them directly to your affected area. If this causes pain, then you may alternatively boil a few garlic pieces in water, and after draining the extracts and cooling the water, you can pour it on your affected area and rinse. Leave it for some time and rinse well again with lukewarm water before shampooing.

Apart from the above you may also apply raw honey to the affected areas and rinse them well later for reducing the symptoms of scalp acnes.

abirami jayachandran:
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