The joy of hearing the words “it is a good news, you are pregnant!” cannot be laid out in words. It is one of those moments that pack excitement, elation, anxiety and worry all together. Taking care of yourself during the nine months actually becomes a mission! And of course you have to, because you have to nourish the little tiny human growing inside you and yourself for the big day.
Importance of eating a balanced diet cannot be over emphasised during this phase. In this feature we will help you figure the vitamins that are absolutely necessary for you during your pregnancy and the food items that can provide you with the stores of these very vitamins.
Essential Vitamins During pregnancy
Folic Acid
This vitamin is also referred to as folate. Most of the women who are in the phase of planning a family are given the folic acid supplements. It is required for building the spinal tissue and initial growth phase of the foetus.This is why it is prescribed for the women who are trying to conceive, since the spinal structure is the first growth that takes place after conception. Including spinach, strawberries, oranges, beans, nuts and broccoli in your daily diet can provide you with plenty of folic acid.
Vitamin A
This vitamin is an essential component when it comes to bone and teeth growth. For an ideal healthy development of skeletal structure of the foetus, vitamin A intake is necessary. Also, many women begin to have dental problems as soon as they conceive. This is due to the growth pressure and absorption of nutrients by the growing baby from mother. To alleviate these issues, vitamin A can be of tremendous help. Eggs, spinach, carrots, broccoli, potatoes and most of the yellow coloured fruits are known to be rich sources of vitamin A.
Vitamin B3
Also known as Niacin, this vitamin is required for maintaining and growth of healthy skin and digestion. “Digestion” is the word that would have caught your attention already if you are pregnant. Indigestion and acid reflux are super common amongst the pregnant ladies.These vows continue for the entire nine months for some unfortunate women. However, consumption of lentils that are rich in proteins, fortified cereals, fish, milk, eggs and peanuts can improve and regulate healthy digestion during pregnancy.
Vitamin C
This vitamin fortifies the immune system of our body and helps it in absorbing iron. During pregnancy there is a heightened risk of anaemia which can lead to preterm labour, foetus growth problems, fatigue and interference in blood supply to the foetus. If not checked and controlled, it can also prove to be fatal for the mother as well as child. Potatoes, strawberries, oranges, beetroot, broccoli and tomatoes are vitamin C powerhouses. Gorge on them to increase the level of vitamin C levels in your body.
Vitamin D
Has it ever happened to you that no matter how many calcium supplements you take or how much calcium laden food you eat, your calcium deficiency related issues never seem to be getting over? This is probably because you are actually suffering from deficiency of vitamin D. Already confused? Let me explain to you that it is vitamin D that helps in calcium absorption in the body.
If there is deficiency then all of calcium that you are eating is just being flushed out of the system as it is. However, the good news is that an easy source of vitamin D is sunshine. The skin exposure to direct sun produces vitamin D in the body. Other food items that will provide you with Vitamin D are milk, oily and fatty fish like salmon, cod liver oil, oysters, eggs and mushrooms. A word of caution that I would like to especially mention is that do not take vitamin supplements until your doctor prescribes it. Your balanced diet can easily take care of your vitamin requirements even during pregnancy. Supplements can lead to excesses that are extremely unhealthy and may result in vitamin toxicity.