
6 Well Known Herbal Remedies for Hypoglycemia


Hypoglycemia is a condition that appears in an individual when the glucose level that is found in blood is found to drop to a very low point. It is a condition of low blood glucose that is associated with symptoms like perspiration, weakness, hunger, agitation, lack of concentration, paleness and blurred vision. If the insulin content of blood is too high, it can cause hypoglycemia but other diseases like pancreas tumor, weakness of the pituitary gland and malnutrition can also lead to this condition.


It is always very important to treat hypoglycemia because it can have adverse effects on the health of an individual and the best thing to do in this respect is to go for the herbal remedies for hypoglycemia because these remedies are quite safe. The herbal remedies are as follows:

Herbal Remedies for Hypoglycemia

Green tea

Green tea can be taken for the treatment of hypoglycemia because green tea works as an antioxidant and has a great role to play in bringing about a considerable or normal increase in the level of glucose found in blood.The main objective of treating hypoglycemia by the use of herbal teas is to avoid caffeinated products that never help in eliminating the conditions of low glucose.

Green tea


Basil leaves are also considered as the best among the herbal remedies for hypoglycemia because basil leaves normalize blood glucose by slowing down the process of blood clotting and supporting the process of thinning of blood.


Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is very similar to cactus but it belongs to the family of lilies and is very helpful in the treatment of hypoglycemia. Aloe vera is available in different forms but there are only a few forms of aloe Vera hat are considered to be very nutritional and helpful for the body. The juice of aloe vera leaves helps in normalizing the levels of blood glucose but it is always important to take this herb according to the correct dosage that is recommended by the doctor.

Aloe Vera


Ginseng is a Chinese herb that is known to bring about a great normalization in the level of blood glucose. Ginseng, when taken in the correct form and in correct doses can produce great results in normalizing the levels of blood glucose and is said to be of optimal effect. Potential hypoglycemia can be prevented or avoided very easily by the intake of American ginseng within two hours of meal.



Cinnamon also works very well as an effective herbal remedy for hypoglycemia. Cinnamon can bring about great normalization in the level of glucose found in blood and at the same time it also works in the field of lowering down the cholesterol levels in people.



Bilberry has always been popular as an herb that helps in treating diarrhea but recently bilberry has also emerged as an effective herb that contains antioxidants and works as one of the best herbal remedies for hypoglycemia.Bilberry can be taken in the correct dose and the blood glucose level can be normalized very effectively if the practice of taking bilberry is continued on a regular basis.
