
Top 15 Health Benefits Of Chestnuts


Health Benefits Of Chestnuts

Well known for their health benefits, Chestnuts are sweet and starchy edible nuts generally found in northern hemisphere origin. These nuts can be easily consumed in raw, roasted or boiled form. Chestnuts are good source of phyto-nutrients, protein, vitamins A and B-complex including vitaminB6, niacin, thiamin, folate and riboflavin. These healthy nuts also contain high content of starch and potassium with other beneficial minerals such as phosphorus, manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Chestnuts are low in calories and fat, and thus they provide proper nutrition without adding too much extra calories to your daily diet. To know more about these healthy nuts just check out under listed health benefits of chestnuts.

Here Are The Major Health Benefits Of Chestnuts:

Lowers Cholesterol Level

Chestnuts are packed with antioxidants that help lower down cholesterol level. Monounsaturated fats present in chestnuts reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol level (HDL) in the blood.

Lowers Cholesterol Level

Promotes Heart Health

Being full of healthy nutrients, fats and antioxidants, chestnuts provide protection from chronic diseases related to the heart. Due to presence of omega-3 fatty acids, these healthy nuts are effective in reducing triglycerides and lowering bad cholesterol level in the body.

Promotes Heart Health

Reduces Risk of Type-2 Diabetes

Chestnuts have low glycemic index and thus help regulate blood sugar level in the body. Hence, chestnuts are beneficial in reducing risk of type-2 diabetes.

Reduces Risk of Type-2 Diabetes


Chestnuts also possess anti-inflammatory properties. Hence, these sweet nuts are also good at treating inflammation and other related health ailments too.


Maintains Energy Level

Chestnuts also work best when it comes to maintain energy level of the body. These nuts contain complex carbohydrates that digest slowly and keep energy level maintained all the time.

Maintains Energy Level

Prevents Microcytic-Anaemia

Microcytic anaemia generally occurs due to iron deficiency. Hence proper intake of iron is mandatory to prevent anaemia. Chestnuts contain good amount of iron and thus help prevent microcytic anaemia.

Prevents Microcytic-Anaemia

Strengthens Immune System

Being rich in anti-oxidants especially vitamin C, chestnuts help strengthen immune system and provide protection from various diseases as well. These anti-oxidants help reduce oxidative damage and enhance immunity too.

Strengthens Immune System

Gluten-free Food

Being gluten-free, chestnuts are too good for those who suffer from celiac disease or problem of wheat allergy and gluten sensitivity. Thus, chestnuts are counted as perfect gluten free food to be added in diet of gluten sensitive patients.

Ensures Proper Neurological Development in Infants

One of the most surprising health benefits of chestnuts is its amazing ability to promote proper neurological development in infants. Chestnuts are high in essential fatty acids; especially linoleic acid found in these healthy nuts is helpful in proper neurological development in infants.

Ensures Proper Neurological Development in Infants

Prevents Free Radicals

Free radicals are main cause of various cardiovascular diseases. Anti-oxidants found in chestnuts help fight off free radicals and thus protect body from oxidative damage.

Prevents Free Radicals

Lowers Blood Pressure

Chestnuts are rich source of potassium which helps control hypersensitive activity of sodium in the body. High amount of sodium raises blood pressure while increasing heart rate. Being high in potassium, chestnuts lower down blood pressure and decrease heart rate as well.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Provides High Content of Fiber

Chestnuts contain high content of fiber that helps prevent excess absorption of cholesterol in the intestines. Fiber rich foods also help reducing cholesterol level significantly and for this reason, chestnuts are good at preventing various heart problems by reducing LDL and increasing HDL in the blood.

Improves Brain Health

B-Vitamins are effective in enhancing brain functioning. Chestnuts are good source of B-vitamins and especially contain high amount of vitamin B6. Hence, chestnuts are much beneficial in improving brain health.

Improves Brain Health

Helps in Weight Loss

Being an excellent source of fiber, chestnuts promote feeling of satiety and thus reduce your craving effectively. It further helps in low consumption of unnecessary food items that lead to deduction in weight.

Helps in Weight Loss

Prevents Neural Tube Defects in Fetus

Chestnuts are rich source of folate or folic acid which is mainly required for red blood cells formation in the body and DNA synthesis. Proper consumption of folate during pre-conception period is much beneficial as it prevents as well as reduces risk of neural tube defects in fetus.

Prevents Neural Tube Defects in Fetus