


Eating right is not only important for staying fit and healthy but also crucial for fertility. Study shows that a good diet can improve the health of sperm and egg. The age at which both men and women are getting married and trying to start family, is now late than what it used to be. This leaves our bodies exposed to free radicals and harmful chemicals for longer time hence, damaging our fertility. The health of egg and sperm before conception may affect the pregnancy and baby’s health to a great extent.

List Of 16 Foods That Boost Fertility In Men And Women

Food That Boost Fertility In Men


Oysters are called aphrodisiacs for some reason. Due to their high zinc content, they help in production of sperms and testosterones. If you are not the oyster guy, you can take your zinc intake from other sources.


Fruits And Vegetables

These are rich in anti-oxidants hence they are capable of saving sperms from cellular damage, keeping them strong and speedy. These are also rich in Vitamin A which prevents sluggish sperms. Vitamin A can be found in Green leafy vegetables, apricots, carrots, red peppers etc. Orange juice, tomatoes, broccoli, grapefruit etc. are rich in Vitamin C which is crucial for sperm’s motility and viability. Vegetable oils are rich in vitamin E which helps in keeping sperm vital. Fruits and vegetables are also loaded with folic acid which is crucial in keeping sperms free of any chromosomal abnormalities.

Fruits And Vegetables

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate is another powerful source of antioxidants. Studies show that consuming pomegranate juice can increase sperm count and its quality.

Pomegranate Juice

Pumpkin Seed

Like oysters, pumpkin seeds are loaded with zinc that helps in increases sperm count and level of testosterones. It is also full of Omega3 which helps the blood to rush through sexual organs hence, improves sexual function.

Pumpkin Seeds


Garlic has the capacity to increase male sexual health and recover testicular functions. But excessive consumption of garlic can impair sperm count. So, restrict the intake of garlic to a maximum of four garlic cloves a day.



Essential fatty acids in fish improve blood circulation around sexual organs and it also improves sperm quality.


Food That Boost Fertility In Women


Nuts like almonds and walnuts are rich in vitamin E. They improve female sex drive and protect the embryos from miscarriage.




Baked potatoes are rich in vitamin B and vitamin E. These vitamins enhance cell division and increase the quality of ova. Consumption of potatoes helps in secreting enzymes that helps in implantation of the eggs that are fertilized and prevents early miscarriages.



Eggs are known to boost fertility in women. Eggs are rich in folate and vitamin B12 which helps in minimizing birth defects. The antioxidants and carotenoids in eggs help in boosting the fertility in women.



Almonds are loaded with vitamin E, manganese, copper, magnesium, fiber, phosphorus, vitamin B2 and biotin. Vitamin E in Almonds boosts the health of egg. It also prevents early miscarriage and birth deformities. Apart from boosting fertility in women, it also lowers the cholesterol level, prevents cancer and reduces the risk of heart attack.



This spring vegetable is among the rich sources of vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin b6, iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, fiber, selenium, copper, manganese, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin. It nourishes the ovum and increases the chances of getting pregnant. Vitamin B6 increases the level of progesterone in women that regulates the mensural cycle.



Tofu is made by coagulating soy milk. It is a good source of vitamin B6, vitamin K, selenium, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, thiamin, niacin and riboflavin. It provides ample iron that prevents anovulation in women. It also improves egg’s health.



Banana is a magic food that increases fertility in women. It contains Vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin K, manganese, potassium, niacin, iron, folate, riboflavin, protein, magnesium and dietary fiber. Banana boosts the production of sex hormones. It also affects ovulation and hormone balances.



Yams, although look like sweet potatoes but these two food items are completely different. Yams are full of Folate and vitamin A that reduces neural tube defects and also stimulates ovulation.



Avocadoes are a great source of vitamin E and it strengthens the lining of the uterus that in turn supports the process of implantation.



Milk is loaded with Calcium and vitamin D. Consumption of milk reduces the risk of ovulatory infertility. Apart from these foods, there are many others that boost fertility in both men and women like, beetroot, walnuts, quinoa, watercress etc. Hence it is important to eat right. Conceiving is just one reason.
